Author's Note

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Hello everyone!

For this story I purposely removed some of the buffoonery because, though I absolutely loved this film, I do believe that there were times where the humor could undermine Thor. It definitely worked in the context of that film and was wildly entertaining, but with the tone I've set I felt that going overboard with the humor might not be the wisest choice. I worried it would be too much of a tonal shift. While I definitely wanted to hold onto the general spirit of the film and utilize humor throughout the story, I didn't want it to detract from Thor or deviate from the narrative I've been telling.

As always, other liberties have been taken and there are several changes and differences that occur. Having Dean be the main character of this series definitely shakes things up and that remains true in this story. The events that happen on Sakaar and Asgard have a lot of similarities to the film but also a lot of departures to keep it interesting. I never want to take a preexisting story and just regurgitate it in written form. I always want to add new twists and ideas to freshen it up and make it interesting. Of course this story is very much Thor's tale. It's his journey into new territory and represents a major opportunity for personal growth. Though Dean is the main character in my series, I never wanted to take away from Thor's experience so a lot of focus is placed upon him as well.

I hope you enjoy this story as much as I enjoy writing it! It's an absolute honor to be able to share my work with all of you and I consider myself blessed and highly favored to have your continued readership. I cannot thank you enough for this. Creating is such a huge outlet for me and makes life enjoyable so knowing that there are people who enjoy it just fuels me even more.

Lot's of twists and turns and excitement to come! Thank you all and much love,

Luminous Avenger

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