Secrets | Louise

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I've been quite bored for the last 2 days without Zoe on the phone laughing for hours so I've decided to tell all of Zoe's secrets, I'm calling it 4 secrets about Zoe, because she's upset me by leaving me. Joke

1. She once shat herself in a taxi

2. Zoe once forgot that she there was a Party at my house and she came round and when to the toilet and left the door wide open and then jack saw her

3. She doesn't drink coffee so in the morning she's really grumpy and tired

4. Lastly, Zoe doesn't like to admit it but she fell down the stairs in my house and she could walk for 6 hours because the bum was to sore

Anyway, Zoe if your reading this mwahahahaha

Bye xox

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