Tanya!? | Zoe

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Were in the airport now and Niomi has just realised that tan isnt here and we have no clue where she is because Americas airport are massive. Maybe she's gone back to Alfie, Marcus and Jim but she might not have. And if tan gets lost and she's with no one then she panics and her anxiety starts kicking in and she has a break down .

We've been sitting here for ten minutes trying to phone her and seeing if she com back but NO she hasn't come back and her phones powered down. We are going to ask and airport worker to announce for Tanya burr to go to the baggage area and they have been really helpful but we can't find her.

It's been half an hour and we still can't find her and Niomi is crying. Were going to go back to the boys and tell them what happened, if we can find them?

Bye x

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