Its wonderful | Alfie

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I'm still on the plane, but the seat belt sign has just come on again so we have to have are seat belts on again which means we're about 10-20 mins away from the airport. Soon as I get there I will take a picture of the view from the plane.

Finally I can see Orlando, it looks so amazing and i'm hoping our hotel room will has the same kind of view from the balcony. I've not even land yet and the excitement is building up quickly. Even though I can't actually see much of Orlando I already know I will love it. It's just looks so hot and so beautiful.

I'm so sad now because I've just realised that I forgot my laptop charger and I'm here for 3 weeks and I don't know how im going to daily vlog because I need my laptop to upload them and edit them. I wouldn't be as sad if someone had the same charger as me but i haven't got the new iMac yet and Marcus, Jim, Tan & Niomi have all got the new one and its a different charger so if I don't daily vlog then I'm so sorry. I'll try to buy new charger in Orlando because there bound to have one but if not then I will just vlog everyday and put it all into 1 video as soon as I get back home.

Anyway the plane has landed but we have to wait 5 mins because a boy has just been sick all over the back exit if the plane so only the people at the front of the plane can get off at the moment. It's getting really annoying that we can't get off because it smells of sick and it's really getting to me and it feels like I'm going to be sick. It's also getting to Marcus & Jim and I think and they're getting fed up of the smell too, Jim said if Tan was here she would be crying. Marcus said if Niomi she would be laughing because she's never been sick and the doctor said she never will be sick so she finds it funny.

We are allowed off the plane now and it's beautiful, all the palm trees and the sand and the heat. It's so much better than Brighton. I love the heat but by the end of the holiday I get sick and tired of the heat but I'm still going to try and enjoy it while I can. Anyway I'll tell you what the hotel views like when I get there.

Bye guys x

I hope your enjoying my story but during the week I will only be uploading 1 chapter and on the weekend as many as I can.
If you have any ideas for the rest of the story or anyway things to make it better than comment them on one of my chapters
Also the video at the top of this chapter there's a video with Zoe in it and they haven't met yet in the story if you are only starting reading from here, just thought I'd say if someone was confused.
Bye x

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