Panic, panic, panic | Alfie

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I'm so sorry that I haven't been writing lately. It's just cuz I haven't had any good ideas of what to write. And I'd prefer my story to be better than a rubbish story being uploaded every day.

Oh no, I just got a text from Zoe saying that they've lost Tanya. I'm freaking, jim's freaking and Marcus is freaking. We are lost trying to to look for them but luckily were all together. Niomi and Zoe are together but Tanya is by herself, hopefully some kind viewers have found her and looking after her and helping Tanya try and find either us or Zoe and Niomi.

It's been half an hour and we haven't found any of them yet and we are all a bit scared. NO NO NO actually we not scared were brave(not).

We've got a text from Tanya saying. "I'm by Costa" and that's in the food court which is the other end of the airport but we've told her to wait by Costa and we'll be there soon. Tanya said she'll wait there and grab everyone a coffee.

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