Is Zoe nice? | Alfie

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We just took off and I'm so scared of flying it's unreal, so I'm kinda freaking out right now! I haven't been on a plane in about 8 years and I totally forgot how if feels. I'm proud of myself because I was almost sick all over Jim & Marcus. I think Jim is definitely proud of me for not being sick otherwise I think he might of actually, full on cried his eyes out.

I'm just about to ask Marcus & Jim about Zoe ( zoella). I'm so nervous about how they will reply that its taken my mind of flying. I'm gonna drop it in to a convosation, somehow. Wish me luck, hopefully I come out of this feeling good, not terrible.

Marcus: i already miss nimbob.
Jim: well I do miss tan but me and tan spend so much time together which I do love.
Alfie: well seeing as I don't have a girlfriend i only miss my mum, speaking of girls, I've never really met Zoe and I was just wondering what her personality is like and all?
Marcus: she's really lovely and sweet but just to let you know she does suffer from anxiety and panic attacks, so if you see her go into to shock get either me or Jim or Niomi or tan, but she is such a nice, kind, beautiful girl.

I'm lucky thats over and done with. I was shaking when I asked about Zoe. When I do meet her hopefully I don't mess up because she's the perfect girl for me, she's kind, lovely, sweet and beautiful!

I think I better get to sleep seeing as the time zones are soon going to change and give me jet lag and I'm genarally a very sleepy person so if I wanna do some cool things as soon as I get there then i better get to sleep or I'll be very grumpy and Marcus & Jim won't be happy at all so anyway I'll tell you all some more soon.

Bye guys x

Sorry i haven't updated in a while it's just I had a lot of school work to do and I've been very busy
Anyway I hope you liked this chapter
I'll try to get my next update up by Tuesday, if not I'm sorry x

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