Is Alfie nice? | Zoe

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The girls and I are still in Costa and Niomi kindly bought me a hot chocolate but I'm determined to pay her back even though she won't take it. I've been sitting in Costa for about 20 mins catching up with them and it seems that me & Niomi have a lot in common because we both have tiny pea head and were both 5.4 ft.

I still need to ask Tan and Niomi about Alfie but I'm scared as he'll about there reply because if he has a bad life outside his vlogs than if he gets upset than I wouldn't know how to comfort him, the only person i know how to comfort is Louise.

Speaking of Louise, I'm really missing her and when I'm sad then I know I can cry down the phone to her but it won't be the same when I can't just go round to hers when I'm sad, i can only talk to her of Skype her and she's been texting me since the second i got in the taxi saying things like " i already miss you" and " come back chummy." She also got daddy to record a message saying " don't go chummy, I'll miss you cuddles too much" and that made me cry in the taxi and made my make up run.

Anyway I'm just gonna slot the Alfie thing into a convosation with tan & Niomi. Wish me luck x

Niomi: i already miss marbob
Tan: well I do miss Jim but me and Jim spend so much time together which I do love
Zoe: well seeing as I don't have a boyfriend, I only miss my dad. Speaking of boys, I've never really met Alfie and I was just wondering what his personality is like and all?
Niomi: he's really lovely and sweet but just to let you know he does suffer from Impressing people which is called menstilanitus, so if you see he try's to impress you and he messes up, he might be sad for the rest of the day so tell him that you liked that to make him feel better but over all he is such a nice, kind, handsome man.

Well at least thats over and done with and I know what to do if his menstilanitus kicks in. He's hopefully not gonna mess up otherwise I might feel a little bit sorry for him. What happens in Marcus & Jim haven't told him that I suffer from anxiety and panick attacks and if I go in to a panick attack and he doesn't know what happening and calls the ambulance, now I'm scared, I think I'm just scaring myself now. Should I tell Tanya and Niomi?....

Bye x

To be continued in Zoe's next chapter
Hope you enjoyed
And I know its up earlier than I said but I had it ready so I published it
Bye x

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