On my way | Zoe

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I'm on my way, OMG! No one knows how excited i am. I am literally crying right now I'm so happy. Even though I'm not even at the airport, I'm only in the car on the way. Niomi was texting me saying Tanya, Jim & Marcus were being silly and she was getting really stressed out, simply because they were opening her suitcase and taking everything out and she was afraid that something will get lost. So instead she will wait at the airport for 30 mins till I arrive and then she'll catch the same flight as me.

I've started thinking about my anxiety, and how the waves by my house calm me down. I've realised, what happens if I have a panic attack and the waves aren't there to calm me down, what will I do? Maybe Tanya or Niomi may know some tricks to get me back under control but if they haven't, I have no clue what I will do.

Well now that I'm flying with Niomi I feel a bit better about my anxiety because if I'm alone my anxiety gets to me more. Like last time in Greece, when it was me, Louise & Matt, we went to this lovely restaurant in town but on the way there I realised I had left my bag in are apartment. So I went back while Louise & Matt walked on until I caught up. I was on my way back when I suddenly got panicky and I started having a panic attack and I was by myself. Then some viewers saw me and they knew I had anxiety so they can over and helped me and I hadn't walked far so Louise & Matt could see me. I'm not gonna say what happened next because its a bit explicit.

I'm nearly at the airport seeing as it only takes me 10 - 20 mins to get there. I hope I have a great time.

P.S. Tanya is also coming with me and Niomi on the later flight because she doesn't want to be the only girl.

Bye x

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