Oh no! | Zoe

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Before you read this chapter, you will need to have read Zoe's last chapter because it's starting from where the last one left off
Hope you enjoy!

.... I'm freaking myself out. What's happening? I've gone into panic attack. Tan & Niomi haven't noticed, I don't want to disturb them, there having a nice convo. My hearts pounding quicker than usual, I can't think straight and the walls feel like there closing in on me. Tan & Niomi have noticed. They keep asking me if I'm alright and I say yes but I'm not. I'm gonna just keep thinking that a panic attack can only last for 20 mins.

Eventually i calmed myself down and we missed our flight but there is luckily one in an hour which we are going to get on but atleast I am calmed down now. We told one of the airport workers and they understood because they have anxiety too.

Well at least that's done with because the next flight could have been in days and that wouldn't have been good because Marcus, Jim & Alfie are on the plane on the way to Orlando already so we can't just go home and book a holiday for another, so that was lucky.

Anyway, we are just in waiting area waiting to board the plane and drinking my hot chocolate that i still haven't finished. Well, if I have a hot drink then I'll drink it slowly but then it goes cold and I drink cold drinks quickly so therefore I'm the end I drink hot drinks quickly but my hot chocolate hasn't gone cold yet because it's in a cup with a lid which is keeping the hot air in. Niomi & Tan keep telling me to drink it quickly but it's going to burn my mouth so I say no.

We're sat on the plane but Tan isnt properly sitting next to me and Niomi because it's one of them big plane with 2 seats then 3 seats next to it and then 2 seats again. She's sitting on the edge of the 3 seats nearest to me and Niomi sitting on the 2 seats.

The plane hasn't taken off yet because some luggage has been lost in the airport and went to the wrong plane so some officers are checking and the luggage in the bottom of the plane to see which one is meant to be going to Malta not Orlando.

So we will be taking off in 10 mins but until then see you guys.

Bye x

I hope you have been liking my more recent chapters and I'm almost at 1K
It's mad and I remember the first time I wrote my first chapter I was filled with joy when I got 16 reads but none of this would have happened is zalfiespug ( go follow her and read her story's) hadn't shown me wattpad
But also it the people who read my story's and I just wanted to say that I'm so thankful for all my reads
Hope you enjoyed
Bye x

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