Boarding the plane | Alfie

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Now I'm more excited than ever, I'm actually in the airport and soon boarding the plane. It's only me, Marcus & Jim now, Tanya & Niomi have decided to get the later plane with Zoe instead. Well seeing as Tanya & Niomi have chosen to go with Zoe instead of me, Marcus & Jim then how bad can she be?

My lunch was disgusting, it had a hair in it and a bit of plastic in it. My pasta bake was burnt and the drink had bits in it when on the menu it clearly said it was smooth. Just a quick tip, don't ever go to the restaurant called 'cherouge' in Luton airport.

Anyway I've just eaten my lunch at the airport, and now where going to the waiting area to board the plane while Tanya & Niomi go off and eat their lunch and wait for Zoe.

Finally were on the plane, our seats were the last to be called. I can now not explain the excitement going through my head. When we get to Orlando the first thing I'm going to do is vlog so all you viewers can see the magnificent things in Orlando. Especially the amazing Palm trees at the airport and the scorching hot sun.

Bye guys x

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