The plane | Zoe

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We just took off and Niomi cracking up about a picture that Marcus just sent her but she won't show it to us because it's too explicit!

Niomi finally showed us the picture and its of Marcus wetting himself of laughter so now me, Tan & Niomi are all cracking up and all the people around us are thinking we are total nut cases but were having fun so there's no need to impress anyone and anyway it's not like were gonna see any of these people again any time soon.

The plane journey taking for ever because I've edited all my videos so I don't have much more to do on the plane because tan & Niomi are still editing so I'm left lonely.

Niomi & Tan are still editing. They've been editing for 4 hours because they both have 5 videos to editing were as I only had 2 which took and 1 hour & 30 mins which isn't long for me because it usually takes up to 1 hour & 30 mins to edit one but one wasy monthly favourites and the other was a daily vlog.

I probably won't vlog a lot in Orlando because holidays are breaks and I don't really want to be editing and filming constantly, so sorry if you were looking forward for daily blogging but at the end I'll probably do one video on the whole trip.

Anyway, I better get a nap because I'll be exhausted after the plane journey and I'll be grumpy so I'm going to sleep now and when I get off the plane I'll take a picture of the view.

Bye x

I'm so sorry I haven't upload, I got my phone confiscated for losing my coat I'll try my best to upload
I hope you enjoyed xx

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