Seeing Niomi & Tanya | Zoe

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Well, I'm not off to a good start, seeing as I left my toiletries bag in the taxi, including my toothbrush, my toothpaste and my flanel. Luckily it wasn't my makeup, otherwise I'd be screwed. Hopefully Niomi or Tan will have some toothpaste, a flanel & a toothbrush that I could borrow.

Anyway, on a good note, I just texted Niomi and she said that her and Tan are the the shopping area of the airport, which isn't far from me because I'm just about to go through security.

I'm so happy that I finally get to catch up with Tan & Niomi because we haven't seen each other in ages and we just need some girly time with the boys.

I can finally see them in Costa and they haven't noticed me yet. I'm thinking of creeping up on them and then screaming but I think Tan might literally kill me.

Tanya Burr & Niomi Smart are finally joined with me and we are having a girly chat but I haven't asked them about Alfie yet because I don't know how to put it across to them. Maybe blend it in with a conversation or just say 'so what's Alfie's life like'. Anyway I'll think of something.

Bye x

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