Ch.1 Origins

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Disclaimer I do not own demon slayer or My hero academia

Narrator Pov

The year is 2176, 250 years since the final battle and the implication of the Demon Slayer Corp into the government. Demon Slayers are viewed as the saviors of humanity and no-one can think of a world without them because would there even be one without them? The strong rule the world if you are or were a demon slayer you were put on a pedestal of greatness but if you showed no potential or were too weak you were looked down upon. The one goal everyone had though was to become one of the hashira the strongest demon slayers in the world. Today, two children just turned 6 years old's and are having a talk with their parents about their future.

??? POV

'Mom and Dad wanted to talk to us today but I don't know what for I don't remember doing anything. Unless, she got us in trouble but I really don't mind. She is my sis after all she will probably drag me into something I don't want to do but thinks I do. I don't really blame her It's not like I show any tell that I don't. It probably ain't even that bad but how could you tell what is fun and unpleasant if they both feel the same.'

???: Izu I'm worried. Did we do something?

Izuku: No. Did you do something?

???: N-No.

Izuku: Than we will be fine Izumi. 

Izumi: Okay! I trust you brother.

( The door opened. Me and Izumi instantly went to a kneeling position.)

???: Izuku. Izumi. Your Mother and I want to discuss something with you.

Izumi and Izuku: Understood father.

Toshinori: I wanted to ask if you two were interested in starting to learn my wind breathing.

"Yes! We would love too right brother?" Izumi asked me. I thought 'If I did this would I finally feel something? Could I even feel something? It doesn't matter I got to try.' "Yes, I also would like to receive the training." I answered. "Just as I expected from my children. Your training will begin immediately." yelled our father in joy while our mother just chuckled at his antics. So, our training began.

The training was simple and not that hard at all. He just wanted us to enhance our bodies so we could handle the breathing technique once we were older. He said he wouldn't teach us the forms until we were around ten or so. Izumi was "bummed out" by the news, I could care less and just went along with the training.

2 years have passed since that day and it is currently our birthday. Our parents introduced us to some of their friends kids. They honestly didn't look all that much both being  sets of twins. The two ash blond siblings being loud and vulgar even though we are barely eight, the girl I noticed slightly more on the friendly side. The other set was a girl and a boy with split red and white hair. Both giving me the vibe that they were like me but different. The boy looked like he didn't want to be there and was trying to look cool while the girl was just shy. Izumi got along with them pretty fast, I simply wasn't interested. That pissed off the blonde boy. 

"Oi! Freckle face what's up with that disinterested look? We ain't good enough to know you or something. "The blonde boy yelled at me. 'I have no clue what he's hollering about, I'll just let Izumi handle it.' "Katsuki calm down he is my brother and he's just on the shy side. He didn't mean any disrespect" The blonde now named Katsuki seemed to calm down after being told that but he just glared at me as his response. 

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