Ch.2 Eri and Training

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Disclaimer I do not own Demon Slayer or My Hero Academia

Izuku Pov

By the time I realized what my body was doing I had already picked up the girl and started running. I started using concentration breathing to maybe get a speed boost to escape the demon and to find a slayer. But I haven't trained in years so at most I can probably keep it active for 30 minutes. The girl knocked me out of my thoughts. "M-mister leave me he'll  find us no matter what! My b-blood is cursed!" she begged me. 'Fuck she's a Marechi. She's right we can't lose him then I have to find a slayer.'  " I'm not leaving you behind." I proclaimed "W-why?" "I... I don't know we'll figure that out later just hold on to me."  I barely made it a block before the demon jumped in front of me. It was tall and extremely muscular. It's hands looked like they morphed into some black substance it looked metallic and it's face had morphed into something that looked liked a bird but the beak had teeth inside it.

"Where do you think your going with my keg." I didn't answer and tried to keep running. "Dumb human. Blood demon art: Drain." I collapsed on the street. 'I can't move my body . why? it feels like I just ran a marathon.' "You like that human! That's my demon art, now I'll being taking my keg back and I'll just kill you too"  'C'mon get up! run! I have to protect her! Only if I was still a slayer! N-no it wouldn't matter I would probably would still have lost with wind breathing. Only if I was stronger.' Izuku felt shame for the first time in his life. Before the demon got to me it's head was all of sudden cut off. I didn't even see it. I looked for the slayer an all I saw was a old man probably barely 5'4 standing behind the demon with a sword with a red edge. Now that I think about I've never seen a red edge before. "Are you ok boy?" "Y-yeah." I looked to the girl who looked as shocked as me that someone defeated the demon easily. "Are you ok? Um what's your name I didn't get to ask?" "oh um it's Eri sir thank you for helping me but more would just come for me. That's what happened to my parents." 

Old man: She's a Marechi, right?

Izuku: Um from what I can tell yes.

Old man: Here take this and follow me. (Tosses a package)

Izuku: Huh? A wisteria essence pendant. Oh I see to block out Eri's scent. Thanks.

Izuku: Here Eri wear this and demons won't follow you anymore.

Eri: Thank You. (Puts it on)

"Thank you. Hey wait up for us. c'mon Eri let's follow him." "Right." Eri and I followed the old man until we got to a estate. Eri fell asleep on the way. The old man confronted me and asked me why I helped the girl. "I don't really know myself my body just moved on it's own." He seemed indifferent to the answer. He then asked me," Do you want to be stronger and why?" I felt it again the shame of failing to truly protect Eri. 'If only I was stronger' kept playing in my head on repeat. 'Do I even deserve to protect Eri? I was strong but I tossed it away do I deserve a second chance? Would my family even accept me back? Maybe this is my redemption? Do I deserve to be strong? Do I deserve redemption?' I looked at Eri who was sleeping on the couch in the living room then I decided. "Yes I want to be stronger so I can protect those who need the protection and to redeem myself for my selfish goals that hurt people close to me." He stared at me for a solid second and then he just said my training began tomorrow. He left for his room and showed me where to lay Eri down and my room.

Narrator Pov

The next day Izuku felt a new emotion. For the first time Izuku felt regret.

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