Aura Breathing

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Disclaimer I do not own Demon Slayer nor My Hero Academia

Notable Users in my story: Inko Yagi and Nejire Hado

This breathing is one of the branches derived from one of the five main branches. Aura Breathing is directly derived from Thunder Breathing and is also inspired by it and other breathing techniques. The user of Aura Breathing must be extremely fast, agile, flexible and most importantly level headed. Aura Breathing unlike other Breathing techniques is heavily effected by emotions and if not kept in checked can mess up the forms. There are five forms in Aura Breathing. The current Aura Hashira is Inko Yagi with her Tsuguko being Nejire Hado. The nichrin blade is actually unique with Aura users, there base blade is just a normal steel blade but with each form the blade changes a color and changes back once the form is done.

1st form: A Soothing End, The user rushes a group of targets or a singular target while spinning beheading anything in their way. The user ends the form in a kneeing crouch. The user's sword turns blue like a Water User's.

2nd form: Prideful Boast, The user leaves an afterimage that make it looks like they got hit. The afterimage disappears in amber afterglow. The user then appears behind the enemy to behead them. The user's sword turns into a amber color like a Sound User's

3rd form: Curiosity, The user increase their speed and lunges at the target at incredible speeds. Leaving behind a Indigo afterglow as they reach their target. This form can be used for many tactics including starting a combo, reaching a destination or dodging an attack. The user's sword turns into a Indigo color like a late snake user's blade.

4th form: A Perfect Balance, The user enters a emotionless state that causes their eyes to turn bright white and glow. While in this state the User can not be hit by any range or close range attacks due to the immense speed and clarity. However, the drawback is that they cannot attack while in this state because the emotion of aggression will take them out of the state. The user must cancel all emotion while in this state. The user's blade turns white like a late cloud watcher's blade.

5th form: Rage, The user enters a state full of rage where they will kill all demons in there area. In this state there strength and speed is ten times stronger. The drawback in this state is that they must be full of rage to activate it and after they leave the state they will not be able to move their bodies anymore. They can use other forms in this state causing them to increase in power. The user's blade changes into a crimson red blade. Yes it is the crimson blade sun user's obtain after hard training with the same effects.

End of Chapter also sorry about the long wait on chapters. Have a good day and wish me luck on Fantasy this Sunday.

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