Ch.17 Uppermoon 6

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Disclaimer I do not own Demon Slayer nor My Hero Academia

I only own the Plot and Original Characters

Mature content warning



Izuku POV

I opened my eyes but got blinded instantly causing me to groan. Everything hurts and I feel like shit. Where the fuck am I anyway? I opened my eyes again but it wasn't so bad this time. I was in a hospital room, great. I looked out the window and saw that it was morning but the door opened causing me to slowly look since everything still hurt. Momo and Eri walked in holding trays of food, I could tell they have been crying due to their puffy eyes. They looked up at me and we made eye contact.

"Izuku! Your awake!" screamed Momo as she dropped her food and jumped on me for a hug. Causing me to grunt in pain, it didn't help that Eri copied her and did the same thing.

"Ow,Ow,Ow,Ow. Please get off everything hurts." I begged them, they quickly got off me with embarrassed smiles but my body felt like it was on fire. I started my concentration breathing to relief the pain. They sat down in the chairs as I continued my breathing.

"Ok, that's better. So, how long have I been out?" Momo looked at me with a sad smile before answering.

"You were out for a week honey." Momo said as Eri walked next to me to lift the bedsheets so I could see my body and It wasn't pretty. Both my arms were in a sling with casts, I could see bandages wrapped around my torso under my gown, and my legs were both in big casts. I could tell Eri drew on them while I was out.

"Are the others ok?" Momo nodded. "Yes, they were just exhausted, you were the only serious injury." I could tell in her eyes that she wanted to say something but couldn't. I looked at her causing her to look away but I continued to stare as Eri walked to Momo and dragged her over to me.

"It's ok Momo. Let it out." Momo looked at me in shock but her lips started quiver as tears started to fall. She slowly hugged my head to her chest as she continued to silently cry.

"I thought I was going to lose you. I-I've never seen you that injured and it scared me. Please be careful Izuku. Not just for me but for us." I leaned into the hug as Eri joined us, I could feel her crying as well, it seems I scared them quite a bit. "I promise both of you that I will."

We stayed like that for....heh....I don't even remember.

*A little While Later*

"Anything interesting happen while I was out.*Munch*" I was eating some food that Eri was feeding me since I couldn't move my hands Momo went to go get, after we cleaned up the dropped food earlier of course. Momo sighed as she looked at the window with a annoyed look, so something troublesome noted.

"HQ announced that you were the new Sun Hashira since a public drone was able to follow Todoroki-sama and saw the whole fight." So Nozomi had no choice huh? Well that makes my job harder. "And the reactions to that?" Momo sighed again but this time she definitely looked annoyed as she rubbed her forehead.

"So far it's mixed. Some still remember as the boy that quit slaying while others view you as a fake. There's a couple supporters but not a lot." "I see. Well I still have a job to do, Eri. Go get the doctor." "Ok" Eri got off the bed as she took off out the door.

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