Ch.18 Shadow King

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Disclaimer I do not own Demon Slayer nor My Hero Academia

I only own the plot and the original characters



*Six months after the last chapter*

Izuku POV

The damage my body sustained from the last fight was worse then we thought. I was ordered by HQ to take a break for a little while which was actually three months. However, the damage wasn't from the actual fight.

The mark I can feel it eating away at me and I am getting worse. I almost got caught by Momo when I had a coughing fit in front of her. Thank God I was eating when it happened so I was able to play it off but I think Eri is catching on, God I hope she won't be the first to find out.

The fits used to be once a month now it's one every other week and each one hurts more then the last. My mark and technique is stronger though, oh I can make my blade red at will now so that's helpful. *sigh* When I die I know Momo will probably hate me along with Eri whether my deaths from this damn mark or that damn demon. However, I will wipe this world of demons before I do.

Oh we moved into the estate I was telling you about and it's really nice.....I'll visit soon Master.

I got up from the ground and put out the candles on the gravestone. It was dreary morning and I was told to take the day off by Nozomi. I tried to argue but she wasn't hearing it. I guess I'll work with Eri on her forms again. She's definitely stronger then me when I was her age, she's a prodigy. 

The walk back home was slow and uneventful with me stopping every once in a while just to stare at a family, something I know will be broken soon. I know Momo would never forgive me especially since I'm hiding this but I pray the kids do.

I got home to the estate it was located in the HQ square where the other Hashira's estates are. I live in between my old home the Wind Estate and Momo's old home the Water Estate. So we have friendly neighbors.

I walked in greeting Momo and Eri who were watching TV. Momo's belly was definitely bigger which had caused her to go on maternal leave for now. They both got up and hugged me which I gladly returned.

Momo: Honey your back already?

Izuku: Yeah I cut it short but I'll visit again soon. I still have some things I need to get off my chest.

Eri: You can always talk to us Dad. We'll always be there for you and don't forget it.

I put my hand on Eri's head giving it light rub as my face turned into a sad smile.

Izuku: I'll remember that. Come on Eri let's go practice outside.

Eri: Yea, I'll go change real quick.

Eri zoomed off towards her room as me and Momo smiled at her enthusiasm.

Momo: Are you ok Babe? You look like you want to say something.

'Tell her, tell her, tell her, tell her, tell her, tell her, tell her'

Izuku: I'm just wondering what gender they are? I just can't wait


Momo: Izuku! We said we're going to wait and that's final!

Izuku: Ok ok as long as we don't name them Eri Jr.

Eri: Ok I'm ready let's go Dad!

Izuku: Right behind you.

Momo: Be careful! And please don't break the fence again!

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