Ice Breathing

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Disclaimer I Do not own Demon Slayer nor My Hero Academia

Just the story and the original characters

Ice Breathing

Notable Users: Rei Todoroki, Fuyumi Todoroki(d/c), Natsuo Todoroki(d/c), Shoto Todoroki, and Shoka Todoroki

Created by Rei Todoroki, Ice Breathing is derived from Flame Breathing and requires the the user to both be physically strong and extremally fast. She used to be a Flame user but she felt that it never fit until she was inspired one snowy day as she watched her husband practice in the yard. She hasn't had a Tsuguko since her last two died, it hurt more for her since they were her children.

Ice Breather's sword are Ice Blue and honestly looks really cool

Ice breathing consists of six forms.

1st form, Beating of Hail - The user jumps in the air or is already in the air, they then do a downward thrust attacks which could go up to ten thrusts.

2nd form, Icicle Crash - The user does a downward slash meant to dismember the enemy. However, the attack is stronger if the user is falling, stronger the longer the fall.

3rd form, Eternal Glacier - The user does a circular slash to defend themselves from range and close range attacks.

4th form, Unwavering Snowstorm - The user constantly bombards the opponent with slashes coming from and landing at all angles. The longer the form goes the stronger the slashes get. Ends when interrupted.

5th form, Freezing Death - The user uses a high speed horizontal slash aimed for the opponent's neck. Meant to finish the job fast.

6th form, Blizzard - The user puts their sword back into it's sheathe as they narrow their eyes at the enemy. The enemy attacks but the user disappears into a snowy wind as the enemy gets struck before the user reappears again. The enemy attacks again but the user disappears and repeats the process but they get hit twice. Basically for every miss they get hit the same amount they missed. It looks like the enemy is surrounded by a blizzard.


Ok time for the next chapter now.

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