Ch.20 Stick to the Plan

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Disclaimer I do not own Demon Slayer nor My Hero Academia

I only own the Plot and the Original Characters.



*8 months after last chapter*

Narrator POV

*Around Midnight*

A geared up Izuku can be seen about to leave with a grim look on his face. However, before he could walk out the lights turned on making Izuku look back, A very pregnant Momo can be seen with an annoyed look. Izuku sighed at his predicament as Eri soon walked down stairs with a sleeping Momoko.

Momo: And where hell do you think your going at this hour?!

Izuku: .......

Momo: Answer me Izuku! You've been distancing yourself lately and it's starting to worry me. Now where are you going!?

Izuku: I'm sorry Momo but this goodbye.

This caused Momo to double take at what Izuku said making her walk up to Izuku and stare up at him with tears in her eyes.

Momo: a-Are you leaving me? but I thought we.....

Izuku quickly brought Momo into a hug as tears fell down his face.

Izuku: Not by choice Momo. We're ending this all today.

Momo: You mean?

Izuku: Yes, Momo. I'm fighting 'him'.

Izuku let Momo go as he kissed her forehead and walked to Eri and Momoko giving them a hug a kiss before walking back to the door. Momo grabbed his haori stopping him from leaving as frustrated tears leaked from her eyes.

Momo: How long have you known?

Izuku: Eight months.

Momo: Stay and forget about it. We have children and they need a father. Someone else can kill that bastard.

Izuku: Goodbye Momo, I love you.

Momo: If you walk out that door we're done! Don't ever show your face again!

Momo shouted as she turned around and went back to thei....her room. Izuku the turned to Eri.

Izuku: Don't leave the house tonight. Eri watch over them for me.

Izuku didn't turnback as he walked out of the house to go to the meeting location. However, he stopped by a tree to lean against as he collapsed crying his eyes out. He slowly got up with a few stray tears continue to fall. 

'I'm sorry but It's better for you to hate me then mourn for me.'


Izuku soon a large group of slayers talking with each other mostly out of confusion on why they were there. As he got closer you could see the remaining Hashira with their Tsugukos being the main occupants of the groups. Class 1A was also there but their roles was backup but they were really only there because Nezu wouldn't shut up.

The group saw Izuku walking up but could tell something was up. They could feel the tension off of him as he leaned against a tree before falling into a sitting position as he put his head down. Izumi soon came and sat down next to him. She didn't say anything as Izuku continued to look down without acknowledging her.

Izumi: You ok?

Izuku: ......No.

Izumi: It's about Momo isn't it?

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