Ch.11 The Hashira's Glares

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Disclaimer I do not own My Hero Academia nor Demon Slayer

Izuku POV

It's been about a week since I had my mission with Nejire. She calls every once in awhile but she's usually busy. Her and Momo met a couple days ago, Momo tried to kill her when Nejire asked if she was willing to share. Nejire later said she was just kidding but Momo clung to my arm the rest of that day while glaring at Nejire. Nejire told me she's gotten a little better with fellow slayers but she still relapses sometimes. However, I still said I was proud of her and to keep trying. Right now though I'm at the Demon Slayer HQ sitting across from Nozomi Kamado the leader of Demon Slayer Corp having a cup of tea while talking about random things.

After are first meeting all those months ago Nozomi and I have actually become pretty good friends. We meet up at her estate every Sunday to have tea and just talk with each other she enjoys it since I don't really address her with sama or anything like that. Which she said was a nice change of pace, however due to us being good friends it hurts seeing her like this especially every weekend. Her condition has obviously gotten worse with the disease now touching her good eye's side causing her to slowly lose her vision in that eye. She now needs help getting places with her successor, Aki Kamado leading her everywhere. Aki is a six year old girl that looks exactly like her mother however she oddly mature for her age obviously trained for when Nozomi finally passes away and when she has to take over.

The reason for today's get together was different, today Nozomi will introduce me to the Hashira and explain to them our goal and my purpose. Hopefully, they take it well, I'm not worried about my parents I'm more worried about the other Hashira. The Hashira meeting is in thirty or so minutes and I can't help but feel nervous. Nozomi quickly noticed.

Nozomi: Izuku. It'll be fine no need to be so nervous. They'll listen to reason.

Izuku: (sigh) I hope your right. It will be awkward though, I mean your going to tell them some slayer they never met or heard of is stronger then them and is your right hand man. That will surely piss off one of the older Hashira.

Nozomi: Yes, I can see that being a problem but trust me they'll come around. This mission is more important then titles and status, I know they will understand.

Suddenly the door opened to the room we were chatting in, I turned around and saw two eight year old boys that were identical. They both had a red burgundy hair with a little black at the base, one had pink eyes and the other golden like Nozomi. They quickly bowed and came in the one with pink eyes spoke first.

???: Leader-sama the Hashira have arrived and are waiting for your presence.

Nozomi: (sigh) Daisuke, I already told you to stop calling me that you make it seem like were strangers. I'm your mother for a reason, that goes for you to Isao.

The Twins: Yes mother.

They were Daisuke and Isao Kamado were Nozomi's first born's and usually the one's that helped her with everything be it paperwork or something as simple as walking. Nozomi tried to get up to attend the meeting but she quickly collapsed back to the floor. I caught her before that happened though. Her children all quickly came to check on her.

Izuku: Nozomi we don't have to do it today we can reschedule for a better day for your health.

Nozomi: (cough)(cough) No we must do it now we can't afford to wait any longer. Children please help me to the garden the meeting must start now.

Children: Yes mother.

Nozomi: Stand close to the screen door you'll know when to come out.

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