Ch.24 Carnage Incarnate

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Disclaimer I do not own Demon Slayer nor My Hero Academia

I only own the plot and the original characters


12:30 AM

Location: Old warehouse

Narrator POV

A portal opened dropping four figures that landed gracefully as they made a protective circle as they scanned the many pillars around them for movement. It looked like they were in a warehouse that had dozen's of pillars holding the structure in place. They also noticed the lack of a exit so they knew they had to beat whatever demon was here. 

Leiko was the first one to fully stand as she helped Inko up from her crouch. Mizuki silently kept watch as Rei made a silent prayer for her husband and children. They didn't need to speak to know what to do since they have all worked together many times. Leiko stared at the three women with her and knew this was planned. She just prayed that they would be able to escape or at least survive tonight. Why would the demon send almost all the women slayers here. Plus Izuku seemed to know that the explosion would happen.

Leiko: 'What did you do Izuku?'

Tapping could be heard as the four quickly turned towards it and saw a white hair man walking towards them. He wore a raggy cloak with evidence of no shirt, his red marked eyes read Upper 3. His face then turned into a lustful grin making the women uncomfortable.

???: Hello girls! The names Gensui and any of ya'll want to spend eternity with me?

All the girls had a deadpan look as they stared at the demon. The girls all looked towards each other with 'is this really a upper?'.

Inko: I'm good and I'm married anyway.

Rei: Same.

Gensui appeared in front of Inko and punched her in the face sending her straight into a pillar so hard it crumbled into pieces falling on top of Inko. The three widened their eyes turning towards the rubble Inko was in and then turned towards Gensui ready to hit him. Rei then readied her sword.

Rei: Ice Breathing: Fourth form, Unwavering Snowstorm

As the sword approached it instantly got caught by the blade. Rei grew in shock as the edge of her blade started to decay but she didn't get to think about it. As Gensui  punched Rei in the stomach so hard she got lifted from her feet. He then gave her a roundhouse kick to the face sending her flying away. 

Leiko: Water Breathing: Second form, Water Wheel

Mizuki: Shadow Breathing: Fourth form, Dusk

The two pushed Gensui as he had turned to face them. Leiko did a spinning overhead strike at Gensui who dodged but still lost his arm. However, his arm grew back before his other even fell to the ground. Mizuki appeared behind Gensui but he kicked behind him sending her into Rei who had just gotten back up.

Leiko: 'I might have to use it. I'm sorry girls.'

Leiko stood a good distance from Gensui as he turned towards her with a lustful grin. Leiko tightened her grip as she readied herself.

Gensui: Your beautiful and strong. Why don't you become a demon and join my side?

Leiko: Go fuck yourself.

Gensui: Later.

Leiko: Water Breathing: Third form, Flowing Dance

Leiko became like a current and gracefully appeared around Gensui hitting him multiple times. However, Gensui just laughed at the attempt as he healed before the blade even left his skin. Leiko grunted in frustration as she gave a quick glance to the others, they were still knocked out.

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