Ch.26 The Queen

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Disclaimer I do not own Demon Slayer nor My Hero Academia

I only own the plot and Original Characters


Narrator POV

*12:30 AM*

*Location: A Park*

Two figures fall into the center of a beautiful garden with several flower beds and Wisteria trees in full bloom. The two demon slayers stood up in confusion as they looked around, they knew where they were but didn't understand why a demon would send them to a place full of poison for demons. They quickly turned towards a tree branch where they felt a presence.

Ochaco's brown hair blew in the wind as her eyes widened in fear at the sight of the woman in front of them. The woman wore the same haori as her master but a older looking version of the demon slayer uniform, her skin was pale, her teeth were pure white as two fangs stuck out from the top as she softly smiled, a pink mark rested on her neck that looked like a butterfly, she had long black hair that had pink tips on the end that softly blew in the wind without a care in the world, she had a katana on her side that had a pink circular guard, she had her hand out holding a pink butterfly as others fluttered around her. However, what made Ochaco scared where the ladies purple eyes that said Upper 1.

Ochaco looked to her master but instead of seeing fear Ochaco only saw rage on her master's face. The demon leaped off of the branch and gracefully landed in front of the two demon slayers who had quickly took out their pink katanas. The woman just smiled softly as the two prepared for a fight.

???: So you two are the current flower users?

Asami gritted her teeth as her eyes widened in rage at the question.


???: Eh?


???: *scoffs* You have no business to judge me. And what do you expect to happen if the same hashiras try to kill you every time.

Ochaco: Master? What's going on and whose she?

???: I can answer that for you. My name is Kanao Kamado, the Demon Queen.

Ochaco gulped at the news while Asami scowl deepened. Kanao unsheathed her blade that had a complete pink glow on it. She then took a breathe as she closed her eyes before opening them again with determination. She smiled sadly as she prepared her form.

Kanao: I'm sorry we had to meet like this but I won't let you get in the way of my love. Flower Breathing: Third form, Cascading Peaches

Kanao did two downward monk slashes that turned into two big pink slashes that looked like flower petals traveled towards the two, they leapt back to dodge but the slashes scattered into multiple smaller slashes that tore up the area. Ochaco landed on a tree branch and Asami landed into a small pond that only went up to her ankles. Both girls nodded to each other as they readied their forms.

Ochaco: Flower Breathing: Fourth form, Crimson Hanagoromo

Asami: Flower Breathing: Fifth form, Peonies of Futility

Ochaco appeared behind Kanao while Asami appeared in front of Kanao. Kanao didn't even react as the two began their attack. The plan was for Asami to distract Kanao with nine attacks that she had to block while Ochaco hits a powerful single attack. Though neither were expecting Kanao to not even bother blocking or dodging anything. Kanao slashed apart Asami's attack causing her to grunt in pain as she lost a finger. Ochaco's blade went through Kanao's neck slicing it off. However, Kanao's body did a backwards kick that hit  Ochaco in the ribs breaking three launching her back. Kanao's  her head launched blood to the torso reconnecting them instantly. Asami looked in horror as Kanao twisted her neck giving it a good crack before looking at Asami with a smirk.

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