Ch.9 The First Date and Good News

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Disclaimer I do not own Demon Slayer nor My Hero Academia

Izuku Pov

Today was the day for his first ever date and Eri kept reminding him about that every chance she got. To say Izuku was not in a good mood was an understatement. Plus Eri was acting like a mom trying to make me look nice like who wears a tuxedo to a movie.

Izuku: For the last time Eri it's just a casual date so put the suit away already. Wait where did you get that from anyway?

Eri: Come on I had Mei make it for me and that wasn't cheap.

Izuku: How did you get my measurements? Wait, when did you get my measurements?

Eri: Not important! Now put the suit on, this cologne, maybe we should gel your hair, oh we also have to get your picture taken with her. Where's my camera?

Izuku: Eri calm down it's just a date. You know it kinda hurts that your more worried for this then when I go on a mission.

Eri: That's because your muscle smart and I guess brain smart but when it comes to women your hopeless. This is why I'm here to make sure you don't completely screw this up.

Izuku: Ouch.

Eri: Now for the date this is what you do, you give a her compliment like she looks nice or something, then go on the date and even though it's your first date you guys will be all over each other and act like a couple of two years, then you pin her against the-

Izuku: Ok woah slow your roll there. Where did you learn this stuff? Are you reading those fanfiction's again. I told you that ain't realistic and it's going to give you weird... 'habits'.

Eri: Bite me dad, Asuku and Lacugo are meant for each other.(doorbell rings) That's her now get out of here before I smack you.

Izuku: Yeah yeah. 'I think I might have to put a parent lock on her shit. Also silly girl everyone knows that Asuku and Okako are basically canon.' (opens the door)

I opened the door and Momo was standing there fidgeting with a blush on her face. She was wearing a see through shirt? blouse? Can't really tell with a black high skirt over it and black high heels. She also had a small purse. Now compared to me she looked like a goddess. I was wearing a white hoodie that said hoodie with black baggy jeans with red shoes. The only thing that came to my mind was 'Fuck, I'm underdressed'

Izuku: So where are we going first, also you look good. 'nailed it.'

Momo: 'Fuck, I'm overdressed!' Oh, thank you. You look hot uh I mean good too. I was thinking we could get some lunch first.

Izuku: Ok let's go. 'Let's get this over with.' (Grabbed Momo's hand)

Momo blushes intensely while Eri looked from window thinking damn this guy is a natural. They started making there way to the local sandwich shop because why not. Plus it was only a ten minute walk when they got to the register Izuku ordered a BLT and Momo got a grilled cheese because why not.

Momo: So, how have you been doing? 'Damnit Momo that was shit.'

Izuku: I've been doing good no missions recently, how about you?

Momo: I'm still waiting for my replacement sword so I haven't had any lately either.

Izuku: Is that so..


Momo: How is Eri doing?

Izuku: Fine.

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