Ch.13 Please Say Yes!

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Disclaimer I do not own Demon Slayer and My Hero Academia

Narrator Pov

*Eight months since last chapter*

Nothing eventful has happened to our protagonist in these past months besides the usual missions killing replacement Lowermoons in order to get stronger for his mission. He hasn't had a joint mission with anyone since his mission with Leiko. Speaking of Leiko she has finally started to call the girls her daughters which shocked them at first but they all quickly accepted it with a smiles on their faces. Izuku hasn't done anything really different besides the previously mentioned missions, besides his training with Eri and dates with Momo. Speaking of Momo, Izuku finally understood one thing about her and that's he never wants to let her go. However, Izuku no matter what universe is a coward when it comes to women. Now let's see how our protagonist is handling this dilemma he has put himself in. Oh he's in a café asking for advice, I wonder from who?

Izuku Pov

'God I'm a mess. How did I get myself in this dilemma. Please Kill me now Kami-sama before I drown in shame.' To say I am overreacting is a understatement but I'm to far gone right now, so I'm here instead Izuku's commonsense. You see earlier today Izuku decided to leave me behind and do something rash that he can't back out of now. Simply because if we spent that much money already we might as well just go all the way. Oh by the way he bought a ring and asked Leiko to gather her kids minus Momo to talk. Yeah we're probably going to lose a eye or something later. Oh it looks like someone is trying to put us back together.

*Ochaco slaps the hell out of Izuku*

Ochaco: Calm down Izuku! Your muttering at million words a minute! Now before you started having a word attack you said you had something to tell me.

Izuku: I panicked and may have done a speedy purchase that I think I may not be ready for. But I think I won't get another chance like this so I can't decide what to do. Please help me.

Ochaco: What did you buy that got you this worked up?*takes a sip of her coffee*

Izuku: .....A ring.

Ochaco: *Spits all over Izuku* WHAT! REALLY!?

Izuku: *cleans face* Yeah, I bought a ring for her.

Ochaco: What made you take this huge leap?

Izuku: I don't know honestly. I was walking home from a patrol just walking until a saw a small girl with her parents laughing and smiling. For some reason, I though of Momo and Eri, with one thought popping into my head 'That should be us.' Next thing I knew I was walking out of the jewelry store with a ring. So, what do I do?

Ochaco: Propose. It's obvious you love each other, sure this is happening a lot sooner then I expected but I knew this was going to happen eventually. Also this can't be the only thing that's bothering you. Tell me Izuku.

Izuku: I'm scared....for the first time in my life...I'm scared.

Ochaco: Izuku. Look at me. If Momo says no, no if any girl ever denies your proposal then they aren't the one. I know it would be hard if she did but you have your family and friends to bring you back up from that dark place. It wouldn't be the end of the world. Also I know Momo and she would never say no to you even if she thought she wasn't ready she would still say yes because she loves you Izuku. There is nothing to be afraid of because I already know her answer. So cheer up Izuku, shoot your shot and live with the results.

Izuku:......Thank you Ochaco, I really needed to hear that.

Ochaco: I'll always be here for you Izuku just like you would for me. So, this is the least I could do.

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