Ch.12 The Water Hashira

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Disclaimer I do not own Demon Slayer nor My Hero Academia

Disclaimer Mature content has now been applied to the story from now on. You'll find out why later

Leiko Pov (didn't see that coming did ya, nah I'm just kidding you guys are smart)

It's been two weeks since the hashira meeting where we were told the bullshit about this new hashira or something similar to a hashira. How dare that bastard so easily become one and the gall to say we answer to him. I respect Master with all my being but that was still to much for me. I can accept a new hashira, I was fine with learning his purpose but I will not tolerate being told we help him. I don't care how strong or important his breathing is we are still his seniors and we should be shown the respect of one.

To make it worse the message I got from HQ it seems like I'm going to be the first hashira working with him. What's concerning me even more though is it seems like Momo got a boyfriend and refuses to tell me their name or that he even exists. I mean it's not like I'm going to hurt him....much. I got out of bed after laying there for awhile questioning whether I should kill Momo's boyfriend first or the new guy. I was broken out of thoughts by knocking at my door.

Momo: Master breakfast is ready!

Leiko: I'll be there in a second Momo!

I got out of my bed stretching a little while walking to my wardrobe. I opened to change into the uniform that I have worn far to many times, mine wasn't anything special just the normal uniform with the traditional wave haori that has been in my family for centuries. I equipped my new sword to my hip, good thing the replacement came in just in time. I looked in the mirror before I walked out and as usual the same old me stared right back. The usual empty blue blues, the usual short spikey black hair, the usual scowl. Mom would probably say what happened to that beautiful smile. 'It died with Giichi, Mom.'

I looked away from the mirror and started my short journey to the dining room for breakfast. The Water estate was probably the smallest and plainest of all the Hashira estates. That mostly happened because my ancestor was a simple man and liked it like that. Eventually it just became genetic so the estate stayed plain. I walked by some of my apprentices that greeted me as soon as they saw me, they were practicing in the garden probably to pass the time until they got a mission. I have 8 apprentices all with varying skill the one thing they do all have in common is that I adopted them after their parents were killed by demons I was tasked to slay. Even though my face doesn't show it I love them as if they were my own kids, I hope they know that.

I hate to say this but I wish none of them will become  my Tsuguko but none of them are strong enough in Water Breathing to achieve that rank anyway. I know it's cruel to think that but I don't want to lose anyone else. Though each one does have their strengths but far more weaknesses. Taka is to rigid with her movements and lacks the grace that's needed for certain forms but she is definitely a kind girl. Yoko still needs to work on her arm strength but she's getting there however she can always brighten a room with that smile. Michi has trouble with stamina due to a lung condition got while she was young I still believe she can make a fine slayer. Nami is probably the strongest of the lot but she still lacks refinement in her forms. I still need to work on her anger problems but I probably wouldn't be the best option because I'm no better. Maybe I can get Asami to help me with that.

Rini definitely has the grace in the forms but her lack of strength cripples her, however due to her small nature she also has some confidence issues. A girls night out should fix that but maybe some therapy from Mizuki could help. Seki is the newest addition to this little family barely with us for a month. She is still getting use to all of us plus she barely started learning the basics so she's a work in progress. Gina unlike the others lacks speed, she has the strength and grace but she isn't as naturally fast. She also can be a little blunt at times due to her lack of understanding emotions. Mizuki can probably also help her with that.

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