Why Katara

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Previously: "Are you sure" I ask and he nods "Ok so its a date" as soon as I said that he blushes awww.....omg Katara stop 

Katara's POV

"Ummm sure" he says nervously

"YAY I get to spend a day with a little cutie like you" I blow him a kiss and giggle and he laughs nervously "aww your laugh is precious"

"Umm really" he says nervously

"Yup adorable" I blow him a kiss

"I..I..umm....I....uhhh ok" He blushes a lot

"Well I will see you tomorrow handsome" I wink and blow him a kiss 

He says nervously "Ummm yeah bye" and he hung up

"Welp I got a date with him now I just need to make him like me, that won't be that hard" I look for a outfit for tomorrow "Hmmm I hope he finds this attractive"

"Welp I got a date with him now I just need to make him like me, that won't be that hard" I look for a outfit for tomorrow "Hmmm I hope he finds this attractive"

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Katara's Outfit (A/N: I am a dude that does not know girl fashion bare with me) 

I go to bed and set my alarm and I get ready and do my hair and make up and I walk to the theater and I see him.....wow he looks good.....wait Katara stop you like Jet not this nerd 

wait Katara stop you like Jet not this nerd 

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Aang's Outfit

I walk up to him and say "Hey why don't you look handsome" He blushes 

"thanks, umm when does the movie start" He says nervously awww that cut.....wait 

"In thirty minutes" Since I have the tickets on my phone we get them scanned and we got to the snake booth 

"Um what do you want Katara" He says as he pulls out his wallet

"You sure" he nods " then a coke and a popcorn" he nods 

"Can I get two cokes, a large popcorn, and a soft pretzel" he takes out his credit card and pays and we get our food and go into to the movie and the lights go off 

We put the popcorn in the middle of us so we can share and while we watch the movie I look at Aang and I see him smile watching the movie he must be enjoying it

He has a cute smile errr Katara stop think he is attractive he is obviously not.

Damn its cold in here and I shiver and I think Aang notices and he takes off his hoodie and whispers to me 

"Hey you seem cold do you wanna wear this" I nod and he smiles a little and hands it to me and I put it on wow it is so comfy and it smells like him, wow he smells good. 

I put my hand in the popcorn bucket and so did he and we accidently touched hands trying to grab popcorn and I see him blush and he pulls his hand out of the bucket

I giggle and put the popcorn bucket on the floor and hold his hand and smile at him and he looks at me and smiles a little

I lean in and kiss his cheek and whisper in his ear "What do you wanna do after this baby" and I nibble his ear lobe

That smile he had on his face ended up looking very nervous "I...umm...I don't......uhhhh know"

"Maybe we can go to your place and have some fun" I whisper in his ear and he blushes 

"Umm Katara I still am very confused why you keep doing this" He leans back a little "I wanna know why you keep doing this, I always thought you were with Jet and then your automatically all over me since you came back from that party" He gets up and walks out and I follow him 

"Aang wait" I called after him and he reluctantly turns around

"What Katara" He looks at me with confused eyes "I told you I am not ready to kiss anyone yet and I am still very confused why the hell your trying to kiss me, what did you lose some bet huh lose and you make the dweeb of the school like you"

Oh shit I hate lying but to be with Jet I have to "No Aang I didn't 'lose a bet' I just ummm like you a lot, trust me" I plead him 

"And why should I believe you, growing up you and all your dumb friends made fun of me and your brother. I don't even know why I decided to come with you or why I got a crush on yo....shit" He goes on and blushes

"You have a crush on me" I blush

"Yeah I always did, I don't know why though you always made fun of my weight and height and then one day later you wanna get in my pants, you know what ummm I am gonna go" He walks away

"Aang" I call after him "Aang please come back" He walks out the door I notice I still have his hoodie and I look at it 

Why am I doing this just so I can date the schools biggest bully I mean we would be perfect together, two big assholes together 

I just hurt one of the nicest people I think I will ever meet I walk home and I am thankful I still have his hoodie its really cold and I didn't wear the most warm clothes 

I go home and lay down in my bed and cuddle up with his hoodie and I pick up my phone to text Jet

HEY WHATS UP GUYS 😀 lmao well I want to just say CLIFFHANGER hehehheehhehehehe IM EVILLLLLLLL I just hope you guys liked this chapter what do you guys think she is gonna tell Jet well I am gonna leave you there love you guys make sure to Vote, Comment, Share, Follow, and Add to yalls reading lists but only if you wanna I ain't forcing you jk I am do it jk again its up to you guys lmao love you guys PEACE OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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