She Really Did This For Me

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Previously: Iroh frowns and nods

Aang's POV

The next day I wake up and I go down stairs and I told my grandpa that I decided to not take the job and he asked me why and I just told him I was to busy for work and he understood. I go to my room and play on my Play Station and I get a text from and unknown number

?: Hey Aang this is Iroh owner of the Jasmine Dragon and I would still like to offer you the job

Me: Oh hello Mr. Iroh I don't know

Iroh: Katara told me the real reason that you didn't accept the job and she quit just so you can get a job

Me: She really did that for me?

Iroh: Yeah, I think she really cares for you and is very sorry about what she did

Me: I don't know sir what she did to me was really messed up and it broke me

Iroh: I know son but think about it and let me know if you are still willing to get the job

I go on a walk to the park to think about the job offer but then I am shoved to the ground.

"Ow what the hell" I said as I tumbled down, I turn and I saw Jet

"Sup dumbass" He get on me and starts to beat me up. He just kept throwing punches at me, he definitely cracked one of my ribs. I got stronger over the summer but so did he. I calculated my plan and found an opening where I can get free. I get out of his hold and stand up and kick him in the stomach and punch his face.

I shove him down and get on top of him and start punching him like he did to me. I stop and scream at him "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR"

"I don't know bored, I saw you and I just decided fuck it Im gonna kick your ass" He says through gritted teeth

"Well to bad dick head I beat yours" I said and I get flipped over by him and we both stood up

"Wanna go round too" He smiles evily

"I can do this all day" I run at him and punch him (A/N: Marvel fans where you at)

We fight for a bit when people split us up. I look and see Zuko holding Jet and I can tell that Sokka is holding me and Katara and Suki are just watching. I try to get out of Sokkas grasp but he holds me still.

Katara walks up to jet and smacks him across the face "I told you to leave him alone if I didn't mess with you or your dumb little group"

"Ehh I don't care I just wanted to hurt him cause why not, also Aang hows the rib I heard it crack I bet it's broken" He smirks at me and I lung at him but I am help back by Sokka and I hiss at the pain at my side

"YOU DID WHAT" Katara screams "YOU BROKE HIS RIB" She comes up to me and puts her hand on my wound and I grunt from the pain so she moves her hand to my cheek  "Oh you poor thing I am so sorry I did everything to you, you don't need to accept my apology but please let us bring you to a doctor to get that healed." I nod and she turns around and punches Jet square in the nose and its bleeding

"Ow you broke my nose you bitch" He says I get out of Sokkas arms and I kick Jet in the rib and I think I broke it

"Don't call her that, have fun getting to the hospital cause we're not taking you" I tell him I look at Katara who was blushing cause I stuck up for her

She walks up to me and kisses my cheek and I blush "Thank you" she smiles

"Thank you too I guess" I smile back "Can we go to the hospital" and they all nod

We got to the hospital and they notify my grandpa who is on his way here

The doctors wrapped me up so it can heal and they told me I have to stay the night here so I nod I get out my phone and text Iroh

Me: Hey Iroh I wanted to know if the job is still available

Iroh: Of course there is I can't wait for you to work here is there anything else I can do

Me: I would like to know if you can ask Katara if she wants her job back

Iroh: Of course I will text her very soon

I put my phone down and the doctor told me the visitors can come in and Sokka, Zuko, Suki, and my grandfather walk in where is katara

"Hey you alright dude" Sokka asks me

"Im a little sore but I am ok" I smile at the

"Ugh that little asshole, we are pressing charges on that kid" My grandpa said

"Gramps he's an orphan I don't want to do that to a guy in the same boat as me, I know he is terrible but I will feel bad if someone in foster care to go to jail." I said but my grandpa rolls his eyes cause he is stressed since all this happened and money is tight so my hospital bills will be a terrible

"Ok but we are gonna get him in trouble and make sure he does some community service, alright I am gonna go to the food court cause I am a bit famished anyone else want something" they nod and go with him

Katara walks in "Thank you" She smiles and sits on the chair right next to the bed

"No Katara thank you for sticking up for me" I smile

"No that's not what I meant, I meant thanks for asking Iroh for getting my job back it means a lot after all I have done to you. I know you said you would never forgive me but I hope you can find it in your heart to accept it" She smiles with hopeful eyes

"I accept" her bright blue eyes glisten "But I am not sure if you have feelings for me, but I can not reciprocate those after that. I hope we can be friends tho" She had a frown on but smiles soon after

"I completely understand, would it be inappropriate if I hugged you" She asks shyly

"No bring it in" I open my arms "Be gentle cause of my ribs"

She nods and hugs me and kisses my cheek "Just because you don't want to reciprocate the feelings doesn't mean I won't play the long game to get you back" and she lightly put her lips on mine and I blush "I like you Aang and I am willing to wait" she puts her hand on my face and leans in again and kisses me and I lean into it for a second and pull away

I just had my first kiss it was amazing. Ugh why does she always get to me "Ok play your long game" I blush a bit

"Oh I will" She kisses my cheek "Ill be right back handsome" I blush

"Katara if were just gonna be friends right now we can't do all that kissing and calling me handsome" I say flustered

"I know but your so handsome I just wanted to tell you" she walks out of the room and I close my eyes thinking about what the hell just happened

Suki walks in carrying a drink and hands me it "Thanks, I am sorry doing what I did can we be friends again" I say

"We can if you tell me how that kiss with Katara went" I blush

"Um how did you know" I said nervously

"I walked in and saw and waited till she left so I can ask you about it" She laughs

"Oh well it was my first kiss and I guess I liked it. It's just I can't be with her." I say

"Come on dude I saw what you did what she kissed you" I look at her confused "You leaned into it. You obviously like her"

"I know but I am just gonna let her play her 'long game' and we may or may not get together I don't know" I say and Suki nods

She walks out and I take a sip of my drink

I wonder what this long game will be like


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