Ugh What Did I do

628 16 5

Previously: He is on the phone and when he looks up from the call he just gives me the finger. Shit

Katara's POV

He hangs up and I am sweating buckets 

"What did you tell him." I yell at him

"Well if you should know I told him you wanted to talk to him and apologize for harassing him. No I didn't tell him he is some sick disgusting bet you and your dick friends have." He says 

Wow I am surprised that my brother is actually letting me tell him myself. 

"But Aang said he doesn't ever want to see you so you can't tell him. Welp sucks to suck I guess." He smiles at me and gives me the middle finger

"I'll talk to him at school." I try to say 

"He said he is gonna avoid you and walk away when you get near him." He says "Suki can you come here." she walks into the room and lays on his bed and goes on her phone. "So Katara will you be a dear and get the hell out of my room and think about what you did young lady" He says sarcastically and slams the door in my face 

I walk back to my room and scream into a pillow. What did I do ughhhhh. I call Jet

Jet: Hey babe

Me: Don't babe me 

Jet: What do you mean

Me: I know you did all of this just to make me leave you and smellerbee alone. I know your dating her

Jet: Fuck, ok I'm sorry I just don't like you, I thought if you stuck to that dude you will fall for him or something and leave me alone. Also tell that little bitch that I am gonna beat his ass tomorrow at school

Me: Don't you dare, leave him alone you asshole

Jet: What I am a asshole now that you know I am dating someone, but if you didn't know you wouldn't of said anything. Katara face it your just as rude as me.

Me: I know I am a bad person but I am gonna make up for it, just leave him alone

Jet: Fine only if you leave me and my friend group alone and I know your brother doesn't hang out with you so you will be all alone and friendless. Bye forever. 

He hangs up and cry into my pillow, I have no one, what have I done


I wake up and get ready for school and when I get there no one even looked at me. I look at my brother, Suki, and Aang and they are laughing and having fun. I look at my old friend group and they are looking at me and laughing.

Everyone in that group laughed except Zuko, Mai, and Toph they looked sorry 


During lunch I sat alone I heard yelling and I followed the noise to a big crowd in the middle were Zuko and Jet.


Couple of minutes before the fight

Zuko's POV

Jet was telling again how he finally got Katara off his case. I felt bad because Katara is like a sister to me and I feel bad she isn't apart of our friend group anymore. 

"Man seriously what you did to her was kinda messed up. You knew she liked you and would do anything to be with you." I say trying to reason with him and maybe let her be in our group again.

"Aw does someone have a crush on 'tara" He says in a baby voice (A/N: Let Zutara burn, Kataang for life)

"Ew no 1. She is like my sister and 2. I am already dating Mai  and 3. I fell bad" I say 

"Dude she was so annoying why do you think I made her be with Aang so she can leave our group and join his obviously that didn't work. At least shes out of our hair." He closes his locker 

"Man she is hurting you gotta stop and let her come back" I say getting in his face

"What you wanna fight now" He pushes me back 

"Oh you don't want a fight you know you'll lose" I say through gritted teeth 

"Bring it bitch" He throws punches and I dodge them and he hits me in the stomach. Shit 

We start fighting and a circle of people form around us screaming "Fight'" and videoing us. 

A teacher comes in the middle of us and push us apart but Jet pushes the teacher away and and keeps going. Suki pops out of no where 

"What are we beating up Jet" She asks

I put Jet in a choke hold and he is struggling to get out "Well I am but you can join us" I laugh a little 

"Bet" I let go of him and drop him to the floor and Suki starts kicking his ass "Don't you dare ever hurt my friends again" 

After a while of kicking his ass me and Suki stop and see jet on the floor crying in a ball covered in bruises 

"Suki I am so sorry I stayed friends with him after you left can you forgive me" I frown

"Of course" She hugs me 

Katara comes up to me and Suki rolls her eyes "Why did you fight Jet" 

"Well Toph, Mai, and I wanted you back in the group but Jet was being a bitch so we ended up fighting and Suki helped me kick his ass." I say

Katara hugs me "Thank you and Suki please I am so sorry please I miss our friendship and I miss you" Katara says sadly

"I forgive you" Suki says and smiles a little

Toph and Mai walk over to us "What the fuck happened here" They asked 

"We fought Jet" Suki says 

"I guess we are all no longer in that group" Toph says with a laugh

"I guess were not" Mai says 

"Can you guys please help me tell Aang I am sorry." Katara says and looks at Suki

"Ok I will just please stop hurting him" Suki smile and Katara hugs her

OMG GUYS THIS CHAPTER WAS A ROLLLLLLLERCOSTER TO SAY THE LEAST. Lmao hey guys sorry for the wait and sorry for this new cliffhanger I hope you all liked it so far hope yall will keep reading. Make sure to Follow, Vote, Share, Comment, And add to yalls reading lists but only if you wanna. Much love PEACE OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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