Hi Aang

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Previously : Once again I walk away from the two people that I called friends

Aangs pov
I get home and I go to my room to play video games when I get a notification on my phone from that old man that own the coffee place it read "Dear Mr. Aang we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to work as as a barista as our fine establishment let us know if you are sure about joining our team. Sincerely the Jasmine Dragon staff and owner"

I emailed back a yes and I got another email telling me to do an interview the next day.

1 day later

I woke up and got ready for my interview grabbing my wallet which had my ID in it. I walked down stairs said goodbye to my grandpa and went to the coffee shop. I get there and I am greeted by the nice old man I met yesterday who is actually Zukos uncle.

"Alrighty young man sit at any table and I will get one of my workers to interview you" he says and I sit at a table

I was looking down at my feet when I look up and see Katara staring at me with a binder in hand, justtttt great

"Hi Aang" she says a little flushed

"Hi katara um I guess you work here" I asked

"Yeah Zukos uncle hooked us all up with jobs" she sits down "umm so I guess I have to ask you a few questions" I nod "ok um first one. Why do you want to do this job"

"Because I need the money to help my grandfather and to do a little extra in my free time" she nods and writes it down

"Ok, do you know how to make a regular cup of coffee" I nodded and she wrote 'yes' "I need to put your address in so what is it" I tell her  "ok last question" she looked a bit nervous " do you forgive me for what I did"

I look at her like I just got hit in the face with a frying pan "excuse me, Katara I already told you this I can't ever forgive what you did to me. I had a BIG crush on you growing up and later on thinking that maybe you did too but you didn't because you and Jet were planning on breaking my heart from the start" I said quietly with teary eyes

"Aang..." she says

"I had lost so much growing up, my mom, dad, three of my grandparents, and now the best friend I could have, your brother, because you played with me and used me for your own advantage so you know what screw this job ima tell Iroh thanks for the offer I just can't be here with you" I said and walk away

I go up to him and he says "hi my boy I can't wait for you to join our team"

"Actually sir I'm sorry I actually am not sure I would like to actually do this job" I say with a small smile

"Oh I am sorry to hear that we would of loved you your help" he frowns

"Yeah I'm sorry, we'll I gotta go bye and thank you sir" he nods and I leave

Katara's POV

I frown, he doesn't want to work here because of me. I mean I already have another job at a fast food restaurant

I mean I won't be able to work with my friends but at least Aang will get something out of it.

I walk up to Iroh and I tell him I quit and that it is my fault Aang isn't working here and to please just hire him and tell him I left

Iroh frowns and nods


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