Chapter 2

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John POV

I sat down at my desk and looked at my assignments for the day, not much, mainly about coffee shops, beaches, y'know, cool places to visit during summer. My face got slammed into the keyboard, but it didn't hurt. Hm. "Johnny! How can you wear that when it's the middle of summer?!" My best friend Peggy yelled at me. Meanwhile I felt my binder digging into my ribs. "Well, I'm not sure, probably 'cause I'm naturally a very cold person,pegster." She hugged me and kissed my head, I never mind when she does that, it's quite comforting really. "Okayy, but if you're hot I have an extra shirt in my desk." I nod as she skips away to her desk, next to her girlfriend, Maria Reynolds. Cute couple really.

They knew I was transgender way before the others, but I came out almost two years ago. So everyone knows. I'm okay wearing "feminine" clothes, but clothes really don't have any gender orientation. Clothes are clothes. "John, I got the report, nice job!" My best friend says to me, excitedly. Alex, like I said, best friend, and I sort of have a small crush on him- wait. No I'M IN LOVE WITH ALEXANDER HAMILTON.

NO GRADE SCHOOL CRUSH. I'D LET HIM SCREW ME. But, I don't know if he's interested- My train of thought was derailed when Angelica (Schuyler) came out "Cancel all of your plans! The office posted it's 10,000th pamphlet! Tonight we're having an office party to celebrate!" She yelled. Everyone was cheering, I looked at my stuffed turtle on my desk. "Should I go?" I stared at him. (His name is bean by the way) "The turtle approves, thanks bean." Alex sneaks next to me "C'mon Johnny~ you should come, there's music, snacks, ALCOHOL~" he says. I nod "Bean already said yes you insane insomniac." He chuckles and ruffles my hair.

*+* (time skip)

I was wearing a gray striped shirt and overalls, and my favorite pair of black converse (I call them chuck's since y'know, Chuck Taylor). I walked in the office and everyone was dancing. My anxiety kicked in already. Yay. I looked around and found the snack bar, and found alcohol, the magical elixir. I took a pint of Sam Adams, cause why not.

Peggy POV

I was dancing with Maria when I saw John chugging his cares away. I was proud of him but also very very worried. Whenever John gets drunk, it goes horribly wrong, he once broke someone's leg while dancing. "Babe what's wrong?" Maria asked me. I looked at her. "John's drinking, it's going to go-" The music paused. Oh sh*t...John stood on a table, by the look of it, he either had way too many shots of whiskey or he had- My thoughts were interrupted when John got a microphone.

"HEY GUYS!!! IT'S ME THE TRANSGENDER! I'M ALL FUELED UP WITH 3 PINTS OF SAM ADAMS B*TCHES!" He turned on a song that none of us knew, except me and Alex, because he went mental to this song. Alex found me and Maria "Is he playing Happy Face?!" I shot him a look. "No Alex, he is not. Dude go save your boyfriend for he hurts himself or someone else." He shot me a look "Bestfriend, not boyfriend Peg leg."

Alex POV

Just as I thought, John was playing Happy Face. Oh Alex what's happy face. SO GLAD YOU ASKED. Happy Face by Jaguar Twin is a song about covering everything with, you guessed it, a happy face. My ear almost blew out, mostly because I was next to a speaker.

I stood next to John as he sang, well yelled. "Say you're good, say you're fine, tell them everything's alright, Hollywood on your timeline 'tellin you what to wear, what to like and how to be! Say I'm happy I'm happy I'm happy today-" Everyone actually said it. I turned his head, "John, look at me." He booped my nose "Hi Lexi~!"

He literally almost passed out in my arms. To be honest, we were both kind of drunk, my mind was a little bit more sane than his. But I can't complain, he's adorable. The song finished and he passed out and fell off the table. "JOHN!" I yelled, I jumped off the table and picked him up. "John, can you hear me?" No response. I wrapped his arm around my neck and put my hand at his waist and walked out. I helped him get into my car and I drive him to my house. I didn't know where his house was so I thought of the next best place. I help him inside and put him on the couch. I went to go change into some comfy clothes, and got some for John as well, a plain shirt and some sweatpants, then I heard a voice, it was singing.

As the earth burns to the ground~

Oh boy it's you~, that I lie with~

As the atom~ bomb locks in~

Ob boy it's you~, I watch tv with~

As the world~ As the world caves in~

(As the world caves in, Matt Maltese, I prefer the cover by Sarah Cothran tho, go check both versions!)

It was beautiful, then I realized it's John's voice, he's singing. He turns around."Hi Ale-" I kiss him. Though I doubt he'll remember me doing it..he was really wasted. He wraps his arms around my neck, and I pick him up by his thighs.


John POV

(I can't really do smut right now, sorry, also I'm not really allowed to do smut anyway, sorry!)

I was asleep. I don't know how, I remember drinking and lights but that was it really.I wake up, naked, okay, odd. I still had my binder on. I sit up only to find that my butt hurts? The hell? I lay back down and I felt something soft touch my shoulder. I looked beside me and a head of raven hair was there. Then I concluded, I wasn't at my house. I move to the hair softly to see...Alex's face. SH*T.


Author-Chan here! Hi! Okay, here's chapter two, yey!!! Chapter three will come soon, also, I'm doing a QNA for the story soon! If you have questions, put them in the comments section or put them next to this lil not right here. LOVE Y'ALL!!!

-Ms. Funtime

1073 words (incluing my lil note)

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