Chapter 13

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This took two days. Here you go. And yes. I DID SOMETHING STUPID AND I DON'T REGRET IT

Alex POV

I hugged him tightly, I felt him hug back while hearing him sniffle from happy tears. He pulls away. Peggy popped over from her desk. She looks surprised, bad surprised. "Why is John crying? Did you do something!? Alexander James Hamilton I WILL CASTRATE YOU-." I panicked, after this morning I'm afraid she might "cranissa" me. "Nothing bad happened, you Mama Bear." I glared at her. "Oh then why is he crying?" She asked, clearly confused. "Pegs, it came back positive." She was confused at first, so John held up the test. "Oh sh*t- I"M GONNA BE AN AUNT." She screamed, she tripped and fell on her face, but she was excited.

John POV

I laughed at poor Peggy. She probably broke her nose but it's Peggy, she'll be fine. I turn to Alex who is hugging my stomach, "You won't hear anything yet 'Lex, we literally just found out.." After that Washington appears like literally out of thin air hugging Alex "Peggy told me." "Dad..please put me down. I can feel my ribs poke my skin." Washington put poor Alex down and smiled at me, before he left he looked me in the eye. "I'd think a granddaughter would be nice, if it's twins then one of each."


"Uhhhhh." I mutter out, not sure how to respond to this. Alex pats my head "Good job you broke my husband." He says. Washington did nothing but smirk, shrug and leave.

-time skip, I have an idea and I have the power.-

I sat on the couch, Alex was getting fed up with me. "John, you gotta take your meds." I cringe "Noooooooooo!" I whined. "Remember last time you didn't take your meds?" I flashback


Alex's Flashback POV

John was having a psychotic break, and KILLED A BOUNCER AT A NIGHTCLUB CONCERT.

MAY I MENTION WITH A FREAKING MOZZARELLA STICK. Of course he doesn't remember it, but the bouncer's wife does.


John POV

"...No." I say bluntly. "Doesn't matter. Take your meds." "Nooooooooooo!" I run away. However Alex catches me in like 5 seconds. "SCREW YOU." "Um that's my job, and that's my child in your stomach now, toots." I look away, aggravated and embarrassed "I HATE YOU." I say very flustered. "Love you too hun, now take your meds." "MMMMMMM FINE." I say defeatedly. He puts me down and gives me my meds, I put them in my mouth with water and swallow them, I cringe, they taste awful. But it's worth it so my baby- wait no- OUR baby doesn't be a schizo in the future.

That feels right. I snap back to reality. "Annnyway, what's for dinner?" I say flopping back on the couch. "Your favorite." He says smiling. "Wild rice soup?" I ask, honestly I'm quite surprised. "Yeah, Peggy told me it was a favorite of yours." "Awww, you are such a sweetheart Alex!" I exclaim happily kissing his cheek. "Tell no one freckles." He playfully glares at me. It was a colder day outside, so my favorite soup, cuddles, and a movie with my husband, and our future kid was just..the perfect evening.

Alex POV

-small time skip-

John is slowly dozing off. I guess Freeform thinks TITANIC is the movie for a couple. Oh what the heck. I take his bowl and carry him bridal style to our bed. I put some comfortable clothes on and cuddled his waist. I look up at him and brush his hair out of his eyes. I feel him move and put my hand on his stomach. I shift next to him and put his head on my chest. "I love you John.." I smile softly. "Love you too.." He mutters. I kiss his forehead and slowly fall asleep with him.

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