Chapter 7!

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John POV

Even though we know why Alex and I ended up in the same bed I couldn't help but feel like something was off and wrong with the way it went down. I was at my desk for some reason this summer day was strangely cold. Luckily I had hand warmers than looked like s'mores! They were adorable, no wonder Laf got them for me for my birthday. I take off the comfort of my hand warmers for a second.

I swivel YES SWIVEL over to Alex's desk and lay my head down. "Heeeeey Aleeex!" A say with a Cheshire Cat like grin. "Yeeeees John?" He replies with a stone cold face not tearing his eyes away from his work. Even though he didn't change his expression, I could always tell when he's smiling on the inside. "You wanna meet up for our lunch break? I know a good Boba place!" He looked at me.

"Do they have squid?" I nod. "They're spicy too! There's egg puffs a-" he shushed me before I could drone on. "You had and still have me at squid." He stood up and stood me up and and squeezed my *ss. "It's a date, Freckles~." He whispers in my ear. Then left to the kitchen to make his 2nd cup of coffee for the day leaving me more confused than Laf trying to figure out monopoly.I sat back in my chair, went back to my desk, put my hand warmers back on and went back to work. Guess I really have a good *ss if Alex liked it.

Alex POV

Of course I like his *ss, it's squishy. John has always had a pear shaped body. Meaning he has a flat chest and curvy hips. He's always said he didn't like his thighs because they were "Too big." or "Too feminine." So it's clear he has not looked at Laf's curves, if you ask Hercules, which I accidentally did once. He would go on and on about when the boy can't even remember an algebra question on the spot.

I do NOT have curves. My arms look like fries. I'm what is called a lanky boi.

Well either way, John's adorable, his bright green eyes, curly hair, freckles that look like sprinkles on his beautiful warm- "OW F*CK-" then I realized I was overflowing my mug with coffee. John looks over at me and smiles while holding back a laugh. I smile back at him while cleaning the spilled coffee with a small rag I found in the cabinet? Cupboard? I don't know. I felt a hand brushing the hair away from my face and eyes. It was John. "Need help?" He asked. I nod a little bit. He bends down and grabs another rag and starts helping me with the rest of the spill. "Were ya 'thinkin 'bout me when you spilled your favorite drink in the whole world? Lover boy~?" He asks. I feel my face warm up. I snap out of it.

"Were you thinking about me when you realized you're adorable?" I shot back. He looked down and his face turned a bright shade of pink. "S-Shut up!" He squeaked at me. I brush his face with my hand and tuck any curly flyaways behind his ears. Then patted his chin. "Don't be mad Peaches. You'll ruin that pretty smile."

*+* (Time skip if you don't remember)

John POV

Alex and I were at my favorite boba place. "So why did you want to meet here, Freckles?" I looked at him. "Don't call me Freckles. And I wanted to meet you here because..something About the night we..." I say sheepishly. "Actually. Yeah something did feel off. Like it was kind of forced or intentional." He replies. A waiter comes by with our orders. I have matcha milk tea with honey boba and peanut butter egg puffs. Alex has an iced coffee also with honey boba and fried seafood balls, NOT ACTUAL BALLS OF DIFFERENT FISH. They were rolled into balls and deep fried.

Unfortunately we're not allowed to stay in the cafe so we skiddaddled. YES SKIDDADDLED. To a nice park. "So, what did you drink the night of the party?" I ask taking a bite of egg puff. "My favorite, Blue Moon." "Sam Adams." I reply while sipping some of my boba. I gasp, "Maybe someone knew we were gonna go for our favorite and drugged us!" I blurt out. He shook his head, stealing and egg puff and eating it. I whine, "Why nottt!?" He shoots me a glare, the kind of glare that says 'You sound like a 5 year old.' He chewed a boba pearl in his mouth and swallowed it then said, "Too risky, odds are if he/she/they drugged one of the drinks, one of the others would have drank it." I stroke my chin while thinking. "Right..what about-" he interrupted me. "No it's not hypnosis, mind control, or time traveling John." I did the same 5 year old whine. "D*mmit Alex! Stay out of my head!" I say while stealing a seafood ball and eating it.

I lean into his arms. "Well, i solved the mystery.." I mutter. "What?" He asks. "You looove me!" I mock him. He punches me in the arm gently. "Ouch! I'm dead now! Bleeeeh."I say while dramatically playing dead with my eyes closed. Then I felt something wet in my ear.

It was Alex's finger. "ALEX!!! GROSS!" I yell while swatting his hand away. "Heheheheheh." He was a series of terrible puns, shorts, slippers, and a skeleton form away from being Sans. "I thought you were dead Freckles." I smack him with my egg puffs which now to my knowledge makes a deliciously dangerous weapon.

(For those who don't know, Egg Puffs are kind of like Japanese waffles, they're made from pancake batter and have fillings! I.e: Peanut butter, chocolate and my favorite caramel! ^w^) 

I rip off a piece and eat it. He looks at me "sadly". "Freckles that hurt!" I shot him a small death glare. "Stop calling me Freckles!" "Start being my boyfriend."

When I heard those words, my brains basically said,

John.Exe has crashed.

He smirked at me then kissed my cheek. "I'll stop calling you freckles when you start being my boyfriend." I could feel myself blushing a bright pink/red. "How do I know your serio-" he cut me off by kissing me. "How about now...Peaches?" I think for a second. "Deal." I say

"First Date?"


"First Kiss?"

I kiss him passionately.

"One second ago." I said smiling.

"..You taste like fish" I say unamused. 

"You taste like peanut butter" he shoots back.


"FISHNUT BUTTER" we yell at each other before laughing hard.

I guess we're dating now. :)


I FINALLY POSTED THIS CHAPTER! YEY!!!!!! I'm currently watching an anime called BNA rn at 5:59 in the morning, my life has peaked awesomely. Anyway 1,1423 words!!!

Love ya my beautiful crystal tots! 

-Ms. Funtime 


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