Chapter 14

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John POV

"I knew it." We looked at Washington in disbelief. "What? My and Lafayette had a bet." Everyone looks at Lafayette, who has stolen a piece of cake and eats it, while sitting with Hercules. "..I plead the fifth?" He says. I facepalm. "Who else bet on my kids?" Alex asks. Everyone except Eliza looks away. "Eliza, you're the godmother." Alex deadpans "WHAT THE F*CK!?!" Everyone else yells. I roll my eyes and wheel away to the window. The city's really peaceful and colorful at night..I smile. But that changes when I feel something. It doesn't hurt but it's kind of... fluttery. I smile when I realize what it is.

Alex POV

I see John at the window, he's always loved it there, I don't blame him. I go over to him and hug him from behind. "Whatcha thinkin' about?" I ask, kissing his cheek. "Nothing, but, give me your hand." Hesitantly I do, he puts it and the side of his stomach, I feel a gentle jab. "They started kicking already?" I smile as he nods. "When?" "Just now.."

I sat next to him as he put his head on my shoulder. I heard him start to sing the song I heard that night (Chapter two flashback)

(Before you read this, turn on As the world caves in by Sarah Cothran, headphones are very much encouraged!!!)

"My feet are aching..

And your back is pretty tired,

And we've drunk a couple bottles babe.

And set our grief aside..

The paper's say it's doomsday

The button has been pressed,

We're gonna nuke each other boys..

Til old satan stands impressed.."

"And here it is~ our final night alive~

As the earth burns to the ground~

Oh boy it's you~ that I lie with~

As the atom~ bomb lock in~

Oh boy it's you~ I watch tv with~

As the world~ As the world~ caves in~.."

I smiled. I haven't heard him sing in, well forever I seemed like. I looked at John and kissed his forehead..I saw he fell asleep. I stand up and carry him to our room. As a person carrying my twins, he's surprisingly light, and I can lift Washington over my head.

When I came out of the room, I saw that only Washington had left, no surprise there, Hercules and Lafayette also left, probably to go bone each other but still.

Only Eliza, Peggy and Maria were left, they were helping clean up. "Hey 'Lex, is John asleep? We wanted to give him something but I didn't know if he was gonna get it or not." Peggy asked. I smiled. "He's asleep, but I'll look at it." Peggy gave me a small blue box, Inside was two rattles, both yellow. "I didn't know whether or not to give you both but now I know it was a good idea." I nod. "Thanks Pegs, I'll make sure John gets it." She smiles. "Y'all can stay the night if you want." Eliza and Maria agreed.

(Okay, time to switch, MULLETTE TIME HONEYS)


I was cuddling Hercules while watching whatever sitcom was on tv when I got a text from Alex.

CarpalTired: Hey Laf is Herc awake I have a question

I looked over at him, Hercules was slowly dozing off.

LaffyTaffy: In and Out.

CarpalTired: Oh, I'll ask him in the morning then

LaffyTaffy: Okay??

I knew Hercules is a hermaphrodite*. But he couldn't possibly.. (Intersex*. OH YEAH. Mullette kids are happening. Also, I kinda did Hercules as a bottom just to switch things up.)

I shrugged it off until morning and carried Hercules to bed. He groaned softly. I looked at him. "Hey mon amour.." he smiled softly. "Hi Laffy..." I snuggled up next to him as he turned to me. I smiled as he nuzzled into my chest. He couldn't possibly..well. No. Well?

-next morning-

Alex POV

I saw that John was already up drinking tea and eating what looks like a bagel with cream cheese and fruit loops. Okay, usually his cravings are really weird but that actually looked good. Mostly because the girls had one too. He saw me, smiled and waved happily. I waved back and yawned. "Morning love." I said as I went over and kissed his cheek. Out of nowhere I got a call from Lafayette, usually he texts good morning but I guess he was excited for something. "Hey Laf-" he said something, but I couldn't make it out. "Woah Woah Laf slow down what's wrong?"

John POV

I got concerned and looked over at Alex. "Oh my god.." he mutters. Everyone was worried. He hangs up after a bit. He shot us a look of worry and sadness. "Herc's missing." He deadpanned. "What!? NOT MY BABYY!!" Peggy yelled. I interjected. "Laf might come over later but we have no leads and no idea where Hercules could be." Alex said.

Hercules POV (:O new character unlocked!)

I did it. I told him. I ran to my secret place. One, it calmed me down because I was and still am quite scared. Two, I just needed to blow off steam for a bit I guess. And I just remembered that only John knows where my hiding spot is. SH*T.

3rd person POV (sorry Hercules was like that tiny little paragraph)

As Hercules calms down, his stress picks up when a person chloroforms him. "Hiya Hercules." As Hercules loses consciousness SHE drags him into the back of a car. "Got him, Francis!" She says. "Thanks Adrienne."

-time skip-

Hercules wakes up in the same room John did.(talk about Deja Vu.) and looked around frantically wrapping himself in the cardigan he stole from Lafayette, the scent of it calming him down once again. Until Francis opens the door. He flinches and backs into the far corner of the room. "Oh relax. You're okay, I'm not going to hurt either of much." He chuckles softly. Hercules' anxiety spikes as Francis leaves. He looks down at his stomach and puts a hand on it protectively.

John POV

Everyone was talking and arguing. Until something in my head connects. "I know where he is." I blurt out. Laf looks at me "Where?" He asks. "Um, remember that cherry tree we use to hang out at?" He caught on and ran out. I'm not allowed to come. Yay. Said no one ever. But it's fine I guess..

Alex POV

By the time we get there, Hercules is gone. "MERDE." (SH*T) While Laf is stressing out I found a note. 'Guess who?' My brain clicked. F*CK.

-time skip *lazy*-

Hercules was found, yay! He needs stitches, boo. Francis was arrested! Again! Yay! I almost got arrested as well for beating Francis with a metal baseball bat..YAY!! Okay that's semi bad.

Hercules POV

I sat in Alex's house,since he let us stay there for a bit, in silence. Laf was rubbing circles on my back. "Hercules, is it true?" Alex asks me. I hesitantly nodded "Mon Amour, I'm not mad..but why didn't you tell me?" "I-I just didn't want to take John's spotlight away heh.." John looks at me "You could never.." he smiles. "Besides, I'm happy for you!" I smile softly. Laf hugs me.

(Sweet sweet fluffy ness y'all)




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