Chapter 5

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(Continuation from last chapter, still in the flashback)


I check the time. 12:30. I sigh happily. "Lunch time!" I stand up and stretch while popping a few joints. Felt good though heh. I look over at John, who's face down in his desk. I tap his shoulder. No response. "John you sleep or something?" He was shaking a little. Guessing not.

3rd Person POV

Alex was really concerned about this. John's mental health has been some Alex was always looking over. However he didn't know why John was shaking..until when he realized they were convulsions. He lifted John by the shoulders. John was convulsing more than he expected. "PEGGY!" He yelled holding John. "PEGGY! CALL 911!" Peggy ran over to the sight and she did. The most gruesome thing about John's seizure that day.

He was smiling through the pain. Through the tears.

(-Flashback end-)

John POV

I looked down. "A-anything else?" I managed to get out. "You started singing..." I shot up and stumbled backwards, on the floor. On my butt, which hurt. ;w; R.I.P the feeling in my butt. "I-I sang?" I stuttered. I only stutter when I'm nervous. He nodded. "It was really pretty John, how come I've never heard you sing before?"

He looked like I had the voice of Ariel or something. I chuckle and look down, after getting back on my chair. #Justiceformybuttplz;w;. "Well, I just don't sing in front of people I guess. Besides, my voice isn't very good." He looked offended, like I told him coffee wasn't important. (That physically hurt me to type.) "You shush you! Your voice is beautiful!" I blushed a bit. "T-Thanks I gue-" he grabbed my waist and kissed me. He smiled rather smugly. "I'm glad it was you." I blushed a bright pink. "..I'm glad it was you too Alex.."

We smiled at each other. I really am glad it was him.

310 words. Eh. Not bad but not very good either but that's okay! I'm lazy as hell! -Ms.Funtime.

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