Chapter 9

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Angst? Or no angst? FIND OUT IN THE NEXT EPISODE- I'm sorry.

Alex POV


I tilted my head. "Hi..." John smiled softly, he was crying a little bit. "Hi Freckles.." I smiled back at him. We sat there. "I would hug you but the doctors said you had like two cracked ribs." I said before we both chuckled. "Then kiss me stupid." I did. He kissed back and put his hands at the back of my neck. We separate. I frown softly. "What's wrong?" He asks tilting his head slightly

"I'm sorry."

He looks at me confused. "What for? You didn't do anything wrong." I look at him. "I wasn't able to find or protect you..." he tilts my head up to make me look at him. "Lex' it's okay.." I shake my head "No it's not! If I came with you none of this would've happened!" I say, painfully it was true. It's my fault this happened, he was alone and I was just typing away thinking he's safe.

"Lex' it wasn't your fault! I should've been more careful, so don't go thinking that this was your fault, okay?" He kisses my forehead. "Okay." I reply softly. "Now cuddle me!" John demands. I did. We stayed there for about an hour. A doctor came in when we woke up (we dozed off then woke up in about 20-30 minutes) "A Mr.John Laurens?" He asked. John nodded. "So it appears your ACL is still torn which requires surgery, when would you like to do it so we can make sure you're okay by then?" John looks at me. "Anytime is okay, just do what you have to do." I smiled softly. "Uh, is 10:00 tomorrow okay?" John says shyly. "Yeah, I'll pencil you in." The doctor smiles softly then leaves.

John POV

I was finally gonna be me again! Yay! However they said it was torn really badly so I might not walk normally or at all again. But whatever can get me out of this hospital alive and happy, fine with me.

*+* (time skip)

"John." "John!" "JOHN!" I snapped back into reality. "Hm? Sorry." I muttered. My head was fuzzy. Laf and Herc looked at each other then at me. "John, are you okay?" Herc said concerned. I nod softly. "Mon ami you look like a vampire-" that isn't so bad. "- 's hangover." Dang it. "Dang Laffy that was cold." Hercules said. "Sorry, but it's true!" He shoots back. "Speaking of cold, John, you're physically cold to the touch, are you sure you're okay? Do I have to get a doctor or something?" Hercules looks at me. I shake my head for both. Hercules goes out and grabs a doctor, then he checks me out making sure I was okay.

(If Y'all are wondering where Alex is, he was sleeping, I know, surprising right? John made him. Because well, how could he say no?)

3rd Person POV

John was really not feeling good, he was pale, cold, and probably dehydrated. (Not really). A doctor helped John to a wheelchair but failed because he literally passed out in Hercules' arms.


Alex POV

When I woke up a doctor was shaking his shoulder gently. "Sir?" I nod signaling I was awake. "It's about John." I shot awake (fully). "Is he okay?" She nods. "Yes he's stable now but earlier he passed out, kind of due to blood loss. "Can I see him?" She nods as we go to his room, she stays behind, mostly because she has more patients.

Duh, I am such an idiot. I walk up to John and lay down next to him cuddling his waist. "Alex?" "Yeah, it's me..." He put his hands on mine. "Good, don't leave me.." I could tell he was smiling. I smiled softly. "I can't even if I tried, you dork. I should tell you that." He chuckles softly. "I should be calling you dork." He mutters. I shift so his head is on my shoulder.

"I love you Alex." I smiled.

"I love me too" I snorted as he elbowed me in the stomach. "F*ck you" he said angrily. "I hugged him and kissed his cheek. "I love you too John. Never forget that for a second." I saw a smile form on his face. "Now lets get some sleep, I don't want you to be late for surgery, okay?" He doesn't respond. "What's wrong Freckles?" "...I'm scared. I cupped his face as he turned to face me. "Don't be scared, nothing bad is gonna happen to you." I told him reassuringly. "Promise me Alex..."

"Johnathan Laurens, I promise that nothing bad will happen to you." I smile

"Good." He replies, falling asleep, it's about 11:00 at night.

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