[1] "It feels good to be back."

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"Dear Jamal,
I'm finally coming home. I told you we would finish school together. Senior year bout to be too turnt my boy! Can't wait to see you man.
- Rodney"
Jamal closed the letter and sat it on his dresser. It was the third time he had read it. He was so excited for his cousin to come home. They had so much to catch up on. The two boys wrote eachother constantly and never missed a beat.
Jamal checked himself in the mirror before walking out of his room and down the steps. He saw his little sister Jessica sitting on the couch with her phone pressed to her ear.
"Malcom, you are so crazy."
Jamal didn't like the sound of that. He hated the idea of his little sister talking to boys. Especially a boy like Malcom.
Malcolm was a drug dealer on the East side of town. Jamal knew of all the bitches and hoes he's fucked and he didn't want his sister to be the next victim.
Jamal snatched the phone out of his sister's hand and placed it to his ear. "Don't you got something better to do with yo time homeboy? Fuck off my sister phone."
Jamal ended the called but suffered the consequence of his sister hitting him upside the head. "Why did you do that?!" She yelled at him.
"What I told you bout talkin to that boy?!"
"Jamal he's not gonna hurt me."
"Fuck that. I better not catch his ass around you."
"Hey. Hey. Hey." Nicole came into the living room from the kitchen. She saw her two kids in a match off. Moments like these she wished she was able to have, but she was an only child. "What is going on in here?"
No matter how much the two hated each other they would never rat the other person out. "Nothing." They simultaneously said.
Nicole didn't believe her children not one bit, but went ahead with the flow. "Jamal aren't you supposed to be heading out to go get your cousin."
"Yes mother I am." He went and gave his mother a quick kiss on her cheek and mushed his sister before going out to door to his Merdedes Benz. He looked at the time on his watch. His cousin should be landing any minute now. He put his car in drive to head out to the air port.
Rodney was tired as hell and had some serious jetlag. He sat in the lobby waiting for his cousin to show up. He already had his bags and was checked out to go.
Rodney looked up to see his cousin Jamal. A big smile appeared on his face. He was glad to see his face and not just stare at the pictures he had sent. The two guys dapped eachother up and performed their old secret handshake.
"Oh shit my boy! Ian think you would remember." Jamal exclaimed.
"How could I forget?"
Jamal grabbed two of Rodney's bags. "Come on bruh."
The partners in crime were back in action. "Senior year bout to be too turnt now that you're back!" Jamal said as they reached his car.
"Shit boy, is that you?"
"Oh yea. This here is my baby. I call her...Jolisa." He caressed the car and blew it a kiss.
Rodney laughed. He could see his cousin hasn't changed a bit. He was still dramatic as ever. "Man you ain't changed at all."
"Not me. You know how I am." The boys packed Rodney's things into the trunck. They both got in to the car and Jamal pulled off.
"How does it feel to be back?"
"It feels good to be back."
"Women wasn't treating you right over there?"
Rodney chuckled. He never had a problem with the ladies. "Do you know who my dad is bruh? You know gettin the ladies has never been a problem. Even from when we were kids man."
"Shit I know. Lil girls running from us knowing they wanted our cooties."
The two laughed together. They sat in a comfortable silence as they made it to Rodney's parents house.
"Home sweet home, my brother!" Rodney started to go to the trunk for his stuff,but Jamal stopped him.
"That can wait bruh. I'm sure your mom can't wait to see you."
Rodney nodded his head and followed his cousin to the door. Even though he had been gone for so long, every thing had seemed the same.
He walked through the doors of his home he had left so many years ago.
"Welcome home!"
There standing were all of his family and old friends. He had been gone for so long he forgot what they looked like. His mother was the first to come hug him. She was way shorter than her son. Her small frame stopped at his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and took in her love.
"I missed you so much moma."
Rodney has always and forever will be a moma's boy. His dad was the next in line. His father Trent took both his wife and son into his arms. "How you doing baby boy?"
"I'm good pops. Just glad to be back."
"Aye man where you at?"
"I'm bout to make this last drop and then I'll be over."
Darnell locked his phone and put it back in his pocket. He was supposed to been at Rodney's welcome home party.
Jamal, Rodney, and Darnell were the best of friends before Darnell left his last foster family. They were the three musketeers. When Rodney left it put a empty spot in their friendship, but he would write Darnell too.
"Aye man, you got my money?"
"Yea nigga."
Darnell mugged the man standing in front of him. "You know who the fuck you talkin to son? Nigga I'm Cyanide. One of must deadly poisons out there." He pulled a glock from his waist and pointed it at the man's head. "Don't fuck with me."
The man was shaking in his shoes. He pulled out the 5g's and slapped it into Darnell's hand. Darnell lowered the gun to count his money only to have the lil punk sucker punch him and run down the alley.
"Tell Roscoe that Black comin for em!" The lil punk yelled.
Darnell ain't even chase em. He was gonna catch his lil ass another day. He made a mental note to tell his boss with the nigga said before he finished counting his money. Darnell tasted his blood that was coming from the side of his lip. He got into his Black BMW and headed towards Rodney's house.
"Nigga you alright?!" Jamal asked as Darnell walked towards the house.
"Yo I'm good. We gotta talk though."
Jamal knew it wasn't anything good. He had seen this look on his friend's face before and there wasn't anything good about it.
"What happened?"
"One of Black's lil workers decided to hit me with a quick left and then run off like a lil pussy."
Jamal chuckled. He knows how vicious Darnell is. That guy doesn't have long to live, he thought.
Rodney came outside and saw the two gentlemen walking towards the house. "Yo moma lookin for ya." He said to Jamal. He looked at Darnell. "My nigga, it's been a long time."
The two boys dapped eachother up. "I missed you bruh."
"Shit I missed yal too."
"Aww look at us. The three musketeers, back in action!" Jamal said striking a pose. "We finna stunt on all these hoes. Plus we sexy too. Oh yea. It's ova with."
The boys bust out laughing. "That nigga gay." Darnell said in his Riley voice.
"JAMAL! MAKE ME CALL YOU AGAIN! BOY COME HERE!" Nicole said coming out the door.
"That ass in trouble." Darnell laughed.
"I u-uh. Umm."
"Save it!" She said putting her hand up. "Get in here so I can tend to it and then you can eat!"
Now it was Rodney's turn to laugh. "Yes ma'am." The two boys held their heads low as they went in the house.
"Rodney, don't make me get on yo ass too!"
Rod was still laughing. "I'm coming." He managed to get out.
She went back inside. After he regathered himself he started to head back in the house.
"We need you. NOW."
Rodney read the txt and shoved his phone back into his pocket. It's time for the real reason he came home.

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