[10] "She's worth it."

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Valentine's Day
Jamal was standing in front of the entrance to the mall at 4:30 in the morning.
He was shivering from the cool February breeze. He couldn't believe he was out here waiting on some shoes for a girl. He sniffed and sneezed and his eyes watered.
He noted to himself to take an allergy pill when he got back home.
Man this some bullshit. He thought. All for a mutha fuckin girl!
He pulled out his phone and dialed his dad's number. He knew his parents were up. They were preparing to leave for they're Valentine's Day get a way and wouldn't be back until Sunday night.
"Wassup Jamal?"
"Dad, I'm cold. My nose running, my eyes watery, and I'm sneezing. Please tell me all this is worth it."
"Worth what? Shoes? Son you know you ain't gotta wait for that. We'll just tell my designer to pick em up."
"No dad. It's for a girl."
"A girl?! What girl?"
"Her name is Ebony."
"Light skin chick from Rod coming home party that was with Akia?"
"Yea. Her."
Brandon was smiling through the phone. "I knew you was feeling some type of way about her."
"Baby who is that?" Nicole asked her husband.
"It's Jamal. You know he's at the mall getting some shoes, but what we didn't know was that it was for a girl."
"A girl?!" She exclaimed.
Nicole took the phone from her husband and put it on speaker.
"Baby boy are you finally settling down?!"
Jamal laughed. "I guess you can say that. It's my first date ma. I'm nervous. I don't know what I'm doing. I don't even know if she's worth all of this."
"She must be worth something if you even considered it!"
Nicole knew her son and his ways. She put up with it with Brandon. Like father like son. She laughed at her thoughts.
"Look son, here's a little motivation." Brandon started. He looked into Nicole's eyes. "I was a fool. A fool like you. Fuckin all these girls, playin with they heart, and leaving em in the dust. But when I reunited with yo moma, I knew it was time to straighten up. I've loved your mom since we were in middle school."
Brandon stopped to admire his wife. She started to get teary eyed. "And if I could go back in time and do it all over again I would. Hell I would probably marry her sooner than I did if I knew my future would've been this great."
Jamal took this in. He knew that his mother was once pregnant with another child, but lost the baby due to a crazy ex of his father's. He knew of all the girls his dad had been with and the time he cheated on his mother and all he had to do to get her back. The point he was making was that his mom was worth it , and so is Ebony.
"Thanks Dad. I love yal. Have fun, ok?"
"We love you too."
"Hey! Don't bring back no babies!"
"Shut up boy!" Nicole said before ending their call.
Jamal laughed at his mom. He watched mall security come to the door and unlock the doors.
She's worth it. He reminded himself. She's worth it.
Ebony looked at her IPhone 6 and face time Akia.
"Hey boo!"
"Ke Ke I'm nervous."
"What if Jamal tries to fuck me?"
Akia laughed. "Ok look, I know what I've told you about him, but he has never asked a girl out. I mean, you must really be something special."
This made butterflies flutter in Ebony's stomach. "I know." She shyed away.
"Lighten up! It might just be the best night of your life."
"I hope so. What should I wear?"
"Don't be too flashy. Even though he's over the top he doesn't like local bitches with a Hollywood mentality. Just be very...chill."
"So... PINK sweatshirt, jeans, and uggs?"
"Ok no. Ditch the sweatshirt and jeans. Wear that top we bought at the mall the other day. You know, the royal blue one that's short in the front and long in the back that stops at your elbow."
"Black leggings and your studded ugg boots."
Ebony retrieved the items from her closet and laid them out on her bed. She grabbed her favorite silver chain that spelled out her name with long hanging earrings to go with it.
She picked up her phone and flipped the camera so Akia could see.
"What do you think?"
30 minutes later Jamal was knocking on Ebony's door. A woman who looked to be in her 30s opened the door. Jamal assumed this was her mother. Ebony strongly resembled her.
"Good evening ma'am. I'm here to get Ebony."
"Oh yes. Come in!"
"Thank you."
Jamal stepped over the threshold and her mom gestured for him to take a seat. He sat down and whipped his sweaty palms on his hands. He couldn't believe how nervous he was. He was always very smooth, but he didn't want to mess this up.
"Ebony, your date is here!" The woman called out.
"Coming ma!"
He started to see her legs at the top of the stairwell. He stood and waited for her to fully reveal herself. The further she got down the steps the more he began to get turned on.
"Damn." He whispered.
She stood under him and smiled. "You ready to go or are you just gonna stand there and drool over me?"
"I mean, both is fine." He smirked.
"Oh my gosh. Let's get outta here. I'll see you later ma."
"Ok. Have fun! But not too much fun!"
Jamal held the door open for Ebony and made sure she was in and secure before closing the car door. He jogged to the drivers side and got in. They both buckled up and pulled off.
"Um, where are we?"
"My home." Jamal said nonchalantly.
He got out the car and opened the door for her. "Um did you forget something?"
He chuckled. "No, just come on."
They walked to his front door and he took out his keys.
"So why are we here?"
"I got stuck babysitting my little sister." He said as they walked in the house.
"I don't need a babysitter!" Jessica said coming from the kitchen. "I'm 15."
"Shut up."
Jessica folded her arms across her chest and rolled her eyes. She locked gazes with Ebony and looked her over. "Wow bro, where you find this one? She looks like a good fuck."
Ebony was shocked. She didn't know whether to take that as a compliment or set this lil bitch straight.
"Go away Jessica."
Jamal grabbed Ebony's hand and led her deeper into the large home. Ebony began to wonder, who were his parents and what the fuck did they do? This house was amazing.
They finally made it to a room with a large double door. He opened the door and inside was a home theater. He had also set up a dinner table with a candle light and a rose as a centerpiece. Ebony stared at it in awe.
"Do you like it?"
"I love it. This is so sweet!"
"Good, cause I was hella nervous about this."
She laughed. They went over to the table and he pulled the seat out for her. He then took his own seat and grabbed the remote control to the theater screen and pressed play.
"What are we watching?"
"50 Shades of Grey."
"You freak!"
He laughed. "What can can say? I like porn, but my favorite category is sitting right in front of me."
"Not that joke again." She laughed.
"It still made you laugh though."
"Yeaa, whatever."
He smiled at her. He revealed the food sitting before them. It was steak, mash potatoes, and English peas.
"Who made this?" Ebony asked.
Jamal took his napkin and placed it in his lap. Ebony notice how neat everything was. How the eating utensils were all placed in the right area and how the food sat perfectly on her plate, not touching at all.
"You know, for the asswhole you are, you are very..neat."
"My parents are from Alabama. Like, in the south. Mobile and Jackson Alabama to be exact. Southern hospitality is a must in this family and my parents made sure we had those traits in us."
She nodded her head. "I see, and I like." He smiled. "But it ain't no way in hell imma believe you cooked this. This food is too good."
"What?! Girl I be throwin down."
"Since when?!"
"Since forever! My moma taught me and Darnell how to cook."
"Well I enjoy your mom's cooking." She teased.
"Oh you got jokes?"
"I get it from you."
"You right. Girls always pick up their boyfriend's habits."
Boyfriend? Ebony was taken back. Did he just say boyfriend? Were he and she dating? Was that his goal for tonight? Just as she was about to ask, his phone rang.
"I'm sorry, may I take this? I need to make sure my parents aren't calling for anything."
Jamal took his phone and got up from his seat. He walked away from the table to answer. It was his homeboy Lj calling him.
"Aye man where you at?"
"The house."
"Yo dude, yo lil sis ova here at JoJo's house party wildin! Shorty stupid gone."
"My lil sister?! Hold on."
Jamal left the room and went to his sister's door. He banged on it.
"Jessica!" He yelled.
He got no response. He tried to twist the doorknob, but it was locked. He used his shoulder to bust the door open. He saw a rise in her bed. He went over and snatched the cover back but there was nothing but pillows in its place. He then caught the breeze coming from her open window.
"Shit! Aye man, I'm on the way."
He hung the phone up and ran back into the theater room. "We gotta go!"
He blew out the candle and cut off the film. "Jamal, what's wrong?"
"My lil sister snuck out and went to some party."
Ebony could see the worry all in his face. "Ok, let's go."
Jamal and Ebony arrived at the party 30 minutes after leaving the house. "Look, stay close to me. Alright?"
Ebony nodded her head at him.
They got out at the same time. Jamal waited for Ebony to come around the car. He grabbed her hand and they took off for the entrance.
Already, they could see how reckless this party was. There were people outside throwing up, the smell of weed hit your nostrils a few feet before you got to the house, and it also smelled like piss. It made Ebony sick to her stomach. Jamal was use to this from other parties he had been to.
Jamal pushed the door open for the both of them. He started to look around in search of his sister. He finally found her tonguing down her lil boyfriend Malcom in a corner. Jamal was furious.
Jessica was wearing a studded bra with high waisted jeans, and 6 inch heels. Jamal tugged on Ebony's hand to let her know he had found her. They both stalked towards her.
Jamal snatched Jessica's arm. "What the hell wrong with you?!"
"Jamal!" She was shocked and scared to see her brother there.
"Aye man, don't be pulling on my girl." Malcolm said rising up on him.
"Didn't I tell you to leave my lil sister alone!" Jamal swung at him and knocked him in his jaw.
Malcolm fell back. "Baby!" Jessica said reaching down for him.
"Jessica, let's go." Jamal said through gritted teeth. "NOW."
He grabbed her by her arm and walked her out the door. He threw her in the backseat. Ebony was right behind them. She got in on the passenger side,but remained quiet. She had never seen Jamal so angry and didn't even know he could get this upset.
All the way home Jamal fussed at Jessica. She was so embarrassed. Ebony didn't say anything. She probably would have did the same thing if it were her little sister.
They finally got back to the house. Jessica hopped out the car first and ran for the door. All three had got in the house and Jessica was trying to make a run for it towards her room.
"Jessica get your lil ass back down these steps!"
She came and stood at the foot of the steps with her fist balled up and her chest puffing up and down. Jamal got right in her face.
"I should beat you like a nigga on the streets! You out here tryna be a lil hoe! What the fuck wrong with you!"
"Fuck you Jamal! I don't see why it matters! What difference does it make if I'm a hoe but yet you out here fuckin hoes!"
"Because you not them Jessica! You will not be that! I won't allow my sister to be one if these low self-esteem, and easy fuck ass bitches!"
Jessica had started crying. Jamal softened. He felt bad for yelling at his sister, but he was upset. He took her in his arms and kissed her forehead.
"I'm sorry for what I said, I was just hungry."
She laughed against his chest. "I'm sorry for sneaking out and being so stupid."
"It's ok. Look, I love you, ok. I don't want you to be a lil hoe. Especially not for no bitch nigga like Malcom. I want you to be confident, smart, and hard to get. Like that one over there." He said gesturing towards Ebony. "Just please stop trying to grow up so fast and be my little sister. I got too many bodies already and I dont mind getting another."
She laughed. "I'll always be your little sister." He kissed him on the cheek and ran upstairs to her room.
"Wow." Ebony finally spoke.
"Jamal, I never thought you were the type to be so caring."
"No matter how many girls I fuck, I have a lot of respect for females. That's why I never took one out, or got a girlfriend. It'll save them the heartbreak and me the drama cause I swear a girl's tears is my weakness."
"That was so sweet."
"Yes, but don't be goin back and tellin ya girls all this mushy gushy shit about me."
Ebony rolled ha eyes. "Whatever boy."
"Which reminds me." He says.
He grabbed Ebony's hand and walked her up the steps to his bedroom. He sat her on the bed and leaned down on top of her.
"Jamal I told you I'm not fuckin you." She said getting slightly horny.
"And you're right." He stood back up straight with a box in his hand. "Here."
"What is this?"
"Open it."
She opened the box and admired the shoes Jamal had got her.
"I stood in line all morning just to get you those shoes and I even doubted if you were worth it. Had me out there sneezing and shit."
She giggled.
"And you know, I remembered my grandma telling me, 'if you buy someone a pair of shoes, they'll walk right out your life' or some shit like that, but Ebony, I don't know what it is about you, but I know I don't want you to get away and fall for someone else."
"Ebony just listen; I trust you not to walk out my life. Please, don't let me down."
"Can I talk now?"
He nodded.
She stood in front of him. "Jamal I promise I won't walk out your life, as long as you dont provoke me to."
Jamal was jumping for joy on the inside. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and they shared a long, lingering kiss.
Ebony wanted more. Way more, but Jamal pulled back and kissed her forehead.
"I think it's time I get you back home." He said sounding sad. "Remember we can't have 'too much fun'."
She laughed and playfully hit his arm.
"Whatever Jamal, let's go."

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