[11] "I wasn't taking no for an answer."

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Essence was already dressed wearing a black cold shoulder blouse with black jeans and black studded red bottoms. She iced her wrist with her silver Rolex her dad got her for Christmas and studded diamond earrings.
She gave herself a smokey eye shadow look with red lipstick to top it all off. She straighten her hair and she it parted straight down the middle.
"You look mighty fine for just a date with Layla." Laura said leaning on the doorframe of her daughters room.
"Oh you know, we just wanted to be glamorous just in case we run into some boys."
Laura stepped fully inside the room and got close enough for only her daughter to hear. "Sweetie is there something you wanna tell me?"
"What? No mom. Why do you ask?"
"I mean, it's just your always with Layla, and it's ok if you're feeling some type of way about her sweetie."
"Wha- wait. Mom! I'm not gay! I like boys. Strictly dickly."
Her popped her on shoulder. "It better not be none of that."
"Mom it's not, I'm still a virgin."
"Good. Keep it that way."
Laura engulfed her child into her arms. "Baby I'm just ready for you to start dating."
"I will ma. Soon, I promise."
Laura sighed and released her. "Go, and have fun. I'll see you tomorrow."
She gave her mom a quick kiss on the cheek and rushed out the house.
She told Darnell he could meet her at the Holiday Inn since that was where she was really staying tonight.
He just thought she was staying there so she wouldn't be embarrassed of seeing her mother in a drunken state. Essence shook her head to take the thought of her lies out her mind.
She got to the hotel with 10 minutes to spare before Darnell came which gave her the perfect amount of time to check in and to reapply any make up.
"Nobody's perfect uh.
Nobody's perfect aye. Aye. Uh.
Aye but you're perfect for me."
"Hello?" She answered.
"I'm outside."
"I'll be right out."
She threw her phone into her clutch. She looked around the room one last time making sure she had everything she needed before leaving the hotel room.
She walked out to Darnell leaning against his car, waiting on her.
"Good evening miss." He said eyeing her down. "Your chariot awaits." He opened the door for her.
"Ooohh. How smooth." She teased.
"You know I aim to please." He winked at her before closing the door and going to get in on the drivers side.
"So where are we going?"
"On an adventure. You down?"
"Oh I'll take a ride with you anyday."
Darnell was shocked at her sudden boldness and so was she. He licked his lips and then focused on the road.
"Well then let's ride."
Essence and Darnell had been on the road for an hour and the anticipation was killing her.
"Darnell please, we've been driving for forever. Can I at least get a hint of where we're goin?"
She had been bugging him the whole ride about it. He thought it was cute. She would get mad and fold her arms and poke out her lip, but then go right back to messing with him about it. He had punished her long enough and plus they were almost there.
"I heard there was a carnival right up the street from here. Figured it would be the perfect first date."
Essence bounced in her seat. She loved going to the fair. Darnell could see her excitement and was please with his decision to come here.
The fair began to be visible. All the flashing lights and different colors. All the crazy rides and attractions. It was a kids dream to be in a place like this.
Darnell found a good place to park. He had already purchased the tickets weeks ago so he put the wrist band on her wrist and handed her the admissions ticket.
"How much was all of this?"
"Don't worry bout it. I got you. Whatever you want, it's yours."
She smiled at him and quickly snuck a kiss to his lips before hopping out the car. She left him breathless. Even the most simple things made him go weak for this girl.
He got and they locked fingers.
Once they were inside the fair the first thing Essence wanted to ride was The Mega Drop.
"So you want me...to ride that.?" He looked up at the contraption.
It was a 300 feet ride that slowly pulled you up in the air and then drop you to your death, at least that's how he saw.
Now Darnell wasn't no punk, but he's never came to a challenge like this. His nerves was bad just thinking about it.
"Aww, is the baby scared?"
He smacked his lips. "Scared?! Naw. I'm straight. Let's go."
They got in line and Darnell prayed they would be standing here forever and that'll make her change her mind about this and maybe come back later, or better yet, never; but of course the universe was working against him.
They got to the ride in no time. "We got a spot for one more rider. Miss, you wanna go?" He said to Essence.
Darnell took this opportunity. "Yes. She would love to."
"Um no. Darnell what are you doing?"
"You wanna ride this ride right? Well here you go. I'll just catch you on the next one."
"Oh no! You are not gettin out of this." She said looking up at him. "Sorry sir, I'll wait for the next one."
"Fine by me."
Darnell was not ready for this. He hoped the ride broke down or something. Essence saw how he was nervously bouncing his leg. She grabbed his hand to calm him down, but Darnell was nowhere near calm.
Darnell watched the ride go all the way up to the top and pause.
"Oh fuckin shit." He whispered.
He heard the click and watch it plummet to the ground.
"You guys are next." The worker for the ride said.
He opened the gate and let the people through. Darnell walked slowly to the ride. They sat and he immediately strapped himself in as tight as it'll go.
"You ready?" Essence asked.
Hell no. "Yea. I'm cool"
The ride started to go up. There was music playing. Darnell tried to focus on that to keep his mind off of the ride. The higher they went, the faster he breathed.
Essence was beaming with joy. She was so excited to be up there. The ride finally got to the top and they were able to look out.
"Isn't it beautiful?" She asked.
Darnell didn't answer. He was too busy clenching his ass and eyes.
"Darnell. Open your eyes. I promise it's not that bad."
He grasped onto the handle bars tighter and began to open his eyes.
"Oh shit!"
They flew to the ground. All they way down you could hear Darnell's screams. He was still screaming once they got to the bottom.
"Darnell! It's over."
He peeked one eye open and saw they were safely on the ground. He was shaking so bad. He unstrapped himself and walked slowly but wobbly out the gate.
Essence came running up beside him and locked arms with him. "I'm so proud of you." She said kiss him on the cheek.
All throughout the night they rode different rides. They didn't get back on the mega drop though.
They decided the last ride they were gonna get on was the ferris wheel.
They ended up getting a cart to themselves.
Darnell leaned back and Essence leaned into him. They locked fingers and enoyed the relaxing, slow moving ride.
They got to the top and the ride stop. They had a full view of the fair.
"Isn't it gorgeous?"
"Yea. I couldn't enjoy it on that other shit."
"What the mega drop?" Essence chuckled.
"Man yea! Almost shitted on my damn self." Essence bust out laughing. "That shit is not funny."
Watching and listening to her laugh made him laugh a little. He liked it when she smiled.
"You wanna be my girl?"
She sat up and looked at him. "What?"
"You wanna be my girl?"
"Like your girlfriend."
Essence was shocked. This would be her first real relationship.
"Good." He smirked. "Because I wasn't taking no for an answer."

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