Tessa Chapter 1

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"DAD" I yell from my room so that he could he hear me. No answer.

"DAD" I yell again but with more energy this time and I hope he listens because I don't wanna go down as there is no energy in me anymore as I read this contract again and again to find the same thing, that 'Theresa Lynn Young has to marry Hardin Allen Scott when this deal finishes', I just want to rip this letter into shreds and never want to see it again but I know better.

My dad didn't knew about this as he signed this deal and I know he would never do such thing, he loves me so much and I know that. I love him too so damn much that I'd do anything he says. If he says I have to marry this asshole even though I have never met him or even saw him and the fact that I'm madly in love with Noah, he's my boyfriend, my best friend, my soulmate, my lifeline, and possibly my everything, but for my dads sake I'd gladly go and get rot in that hell.

My dad has pulled out every single thing just to find a loop hole so that we could deny this deal but it just cannot happen and it would cause so much destruction to my dads work, not the fact that it matters but as I said we cannot cancel this fucking deal.

I didn't realise my dad is already here and sitting right beside me, wiping away my tears which I didn't know I shedded.

I snap back to reality and lean my head on dads shoulder and close my eyes.


I wake up in my bed.

When did I sleep? Who put me into bed?

I look for my phone to see the time and it says 2 am.

I know what I have to do to set me at ease.

I call my soulmate, Noah.

He answers on second ring and yawns and I stupidly smile through phone.

"Hey" he begins.


"Can you come over?" I ask him knowing the answer.

"Yes ofcourse , baby, just give me 10 minutes, I'll be right there" he says into the speaker and then hangs.

In the mean time, I quickly go into my bathroom and check my appearance, I do a little touch-up. And then wear something little sexy and hot.

By the time I'm done, my phone rings, and I'm quick to pick it up.

"Hello" I sound pathetic when I speak but I couldn't care less.

"Umm, Tess" he starts and I immediately know what's coming.

"I'm sorry but I cannot come there right now, I promise you to meet you at sharp 6 in the morning, but I cannot make it up right now". he finishes and I sigh in frustration.

"It's okay, Noah, and don't come in the morning, I'll tell you when to come" I bark into the speaker and quickly hung up.

I look in the mirror of my bathroom wall and small sobs fills the room.

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