Tessa Chapter 13

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I release a breath which I didn't know I was holding when I see that someone is Landon in the kitchen. I won't lie that I wanted it to be him.

I quickly recover from my short heart attack and slowly approach the kitchen.

"Hey" he says.


I take a glass and fill it up with cold water.

"Are you always up this early?" He asks while sipping his black coffee. I guess.

I shake my head no as I bring the glass to my lips and sip the cold water slowly. Cold water always helps me, it's really is one of the best thing in this world.

"Can't sleep?" He asks again.

"How did you know?" I ask after finishing drinking water.

He chuckles before speaking.

"There are only two reasons anybodys come here in morning, one morning person two cannot sleep. And you are-

"second one, ofcourse" I complete it for him.

"Well you should get your beauty sleep as you're going to need it for the night." He says and winks at me.

"Don't tell me you don't know about this." He says after a eyeing my confusing face.

"What are you talking about?" I ask him.

"You seriously don't know about it." He says with wide eyes and I vigorously shake my head no.

He mutters something but I don't get it.

"Okay, Landon are you gonna tell me what are you talking about?" I'm walking on very thin line of patience right now.

"Umm I can't tell you." He says.


"I'm sorry, I thought Gwyneth would have told you so that's why I was messing around but if you don't know then I can't tell you." He says.

I huff.

"Well you can tell me Landon, I'm very good at keeping secrets." I say.

"But I don't know what if it is supposed to be a surprise for you and I absolutely don't want to be the one to ruin it." He says again and I roll my eyes.

"We are adults, aren't we?" I ask and he hums.

"Okay I will tell but you can't tell anyone that I told you." He says.

"Deal." I say.

He takes deep breathe before saying.

"There's a gala tonight." He finally speaks and I can't help but laugh.

He frowns.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Because what's different and surprising about it? I mean it's not like I have never attended a gala before. I have been to countless galas Landon and it's nothing I can't handle." I say and he looks at me like he has seen a ghost.

I'm about to say something but nothing comes out as I see him approaching here.


Only with sweats hanging low on his waist.

My mouth dries and I purposefully swallow. I literally have to force my eyes from his chest. And second by second as he comes closer his cologne fills my nostrils and I shamelessly inhale in it.

The way Landon jokes I can tell he isn't a morning person.

He asks me about my dog okay since when he cares about dog.

I simple tell him he's with Alan without looking at him.

He again breaks the silence asking about what we were talking. 

Thankfully Landon answers for me too and I can tell he's annoyed about this gala.

I'm about to slowly escape from here because I can't bear to be in the same room as him after our last encounter but Landon says something that freezes me in my place.

"About you both." He has said.

These words keep repeating in my head on loop.

"What the fuck you mean by 'about you both'?" I hear Hardin saying.

I turn to face both of them even though I just want to run to my dad ask him to explain all of this because I can't wrap my head around the fact that why didn't dad told me before.

"Landon you didn't tell me this, so if you're joking then please this is ridiculous." I say to Landon and I can feel Hardin's gaze on me all the time.

I'm glad I didn't stutter and make a fool out of myself.

"No hell no I'm not joking and stop looking at me like you're both going to murder me. I didn't organzise this gala for fucks sake." He says and I sigh. 

He's right. There's only one person who can answer all of my questions now and I'm not going to waste any other minute of mine by standing here and regretting my life.

"Thanks Landon for the good news." I say and shoot a fake smile to him before heading to my room.

Once I reach there, I take my phone and call Alan.


T: Hi, morning Alan.

A: Oh my! You're awake? Miracle keeps happening. I see I see. Oh shoot! How could I forgot you are probably excited about the gala so that's why-

*phone-call ends*

What the fuck.


Everyfuckingone except me knows that there is a gala tonight and it's surely about me and Hardin.

Dad sure has many things to explain.

I immediately leave my room, with my phone in hand and head to the first floor where dad is staying.
I open the door but no one's there. I sigh.

I open my phone to call him but my phones battery died. Ofcourse.

I look around to find someone and thankfully there's one lady roaming here and there. I go to her and ask if she knows anything about my dads whereabouts.

"He's in Mr.Scott's study, sweetie." She said.

And before I have any chance to ask her where this study room is, she disappears. I sigh.

Lately I have been sighing a lot, I say to myself.

I finally find my way to the study, I hesitant a little before entering the room but it's no way I'm going back without having answers to my questions. I take a deep breath and open the door.

Once I enter, three set of eyes immediately settle on me and I softly gulp.

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