Tessa Chapter 4

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follow me on instagram as (fablehessa)


Later during the afternoon


After that shower and nap, I feel much better.

I have always thought that Noah and me were forever and he was literally the best thing that ever happened to me but like always it turned out the opposite. Story of my life.

As I lay here, alone in my bed a good memory of Noah and me comes into my mind, us sleeping naked in each other's arms and a small smile forms on my lips but it immediately is replaced by a sob and sniffle.

~start of flashback~

"Tess" Noah asked me. We just had sex.

I hummed as my body was still tingling with pleasure it got.

He chuckled and gently rolled over as he placed his arm tightly around y waist and we both smiled at each other before falling to sleep in each other's arms.

~end of flashback~

I just wish I could delete all these memories at once and never look back. How can people fake a relationship for years, we were together for 4 years and a half. I think to myself. Did he really not loved me the entire time? All the I love you's were fake, all the love making was fake, every kiss, every hug, everything was a joke to him. Actually my life is a joke.

I snap back into reality when my phone starts to ring, dad is calling me. I pick up.

"Tess" he says and I sigh.

"Yes, dad" I say trying to be normal but my voice betrays me.

"Is every thing okay?" he is quick to know I'm not okay, ugh.

I cannot lie to him. I deeply sigh before saying.

"No dad, nothing is okay. I and Noah broke up"

"Darling, I'm sorry. I really thought he would understand our situation."

"Its okay dad, honestly, now I don't think he was the one. Because he said pretty hurtful things to me and also according to him he was with me only because of dollars."

"Tessa, what did he say to you? I swear to god he said anything disrespectful to you, I wouldn't mind to kill that motherfucker."

"Dad, please, its over for good and I would probably be okay after sometime."

I hear him sighing in the speaker.

"Tessa, I'm so sorry that you have to go through all of this, you don't deserve this baby. And somewhere it's my fault, and you can't deny this Tess. I'm sorry that you don't have any normal surroundings."

"Dad, can't we just skip this 'my fault' bullshit because its getting on my nerves now"

"okay-okay, I surrender" he chuckles and do I.

"Wait, why did you called in the first place?" he suddenly goes on silent mode.

"Dad? Are you there?"


"Dad, now say it, there's nothing I can't handle" I giggle at my side.

"You remember I told you Scott's are going to visit us?" he says and I curse under my breath.

"yes I do and I'll get ready after some time"

"There is change of plan. Now they aren't going to come here" wait, what are we over them? dad really found the loop hole. I start to smile but his other statement knocks the breath out of me.

"We have to go to there place instead."

"What the- b.....but why dad? I mean it was settled that they were gonna come here and now, why the sudden change?" I don't want to leave here, hell, alone my bed. And he is talking about travelling for hours.

"Tessa, I know, but they said they can't come this time so we should go over there instead" he says and I feel my cheeks burning.

"Ugh, fine. How much I have?"

"About 3 hours, is that enough or-"

"Okay dad, I'll be ready. Bye, love you"

"Love you, see you soon my dear daughter" he says sweetly and I hang up.

What the fuck is wrong with them? One minute they are coming here and the other they are not. This is too much. I didn't wanted to go anywhere, I just wanted to lay in my bed and eat ice cream with cooper. Argh.

I get up from my bed and look into my closet for something good to wear. Good thing I already showered so I just have to do my makeup and hair. But first I have to select a dress. I walk into my closet. Thanks to dad, I may have a closet bigger than a whole apartment.

I choose a black slip dress which reaches just above my knees and is backless and hugs my every curve. Also it have gold chains instead of straps. Next comes my heels, that are also black. I keep my makeup matte and lightly curl my hairs. And I'm all done by 2 and a half hours, which means I still have 30 more minutes before I go into hell.

I go downstairs and about 5 minutes later dad also arrives.

He comes to me and kisses my cheek.

"My daughter is a goddess." I can't help but giggle.

And then he claps his hands and Mary, our one important servant comes, Dad turns and demands.

"Close your eyes, my dear daughter" he says and I do.

"Now, open them" he holds such a massive smile.

I Look down at his hands. Oh my gosh.

He have my favorite flowers, orchids. And a pretty necklace that says 'Fuck off disrespectfully', I laugh at his choice of necklace.

"Thank you so much, dad but this necklace, omg-" I burst into laughter.

"Hey, I love this necklace." he claims and my laughter increases.

"Then put it on me" I turn around and he clips he necklace.

I actually love this, I mean I love doing crazy things, wearing weird things and I love that my dad and I are on the same boat here. I don't really give a fuck about anyone's opinion so yes they should fuck off disrespectfully.

"Also, Tess, If anyone dos or says any inappropriate things to you, do not hesitate a minute to put them on their places, okay?"

"Ofcourse dad" I'm a bitch.

We make our way to the black limbo, dad and Alan sits across me and Cooper. I put my head back and close my eyes.


Someone shakes my shoulder and it takes a second for me to realize I'm in the car. I look out and we are already in New York City. Wow.

"We are here" Paul, our driver announces.

I look out to reveal a big, a fucking big mansion. This is some royal shit.

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