Chapter 1

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"I can't believe that you finally divorced that wife of yours, Jack." Reba says, after finally agreeing to have dinner with him.

"I realized that you're the woman I want, Reba." Jack confesses.  "I just regret not coming to that decision sooner."

"Jack, I'm touched." Reba says, with a tear in her eye.

"I love you Reba." Jack finally confesses.  "I'm not afraid to say it."

"Jack, please.  Don't make me cry."

"Reba Hart." Jack begins, as he gets down on one knee, pulling out a ring. "Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

Reba's mouth drops as she sheds tears of joy.

"Of course, Jack!" Reba says, in between tears.  "I'd be honored to be your wife!"

Jack places the ring on her finger as they kiss in front of diners and wait staff.  The celebration is interrupted by Barbara Jean and Brock, who happen upon the now-happily-engaged couple.

"What's all the commotion?" Barbara Jean adds.

Reba turns around to see Barbara Jean and Brock.

"Reba just agreed to be my wife." Jack announces to a surprised and shocked Brock, as Reba shows them the ring.

"That's wonderful Reba." Barbara Jean congratulates her.  "Even though I'm just a little jealous."

"I can't believe that you're doing this!" Brock adds, stunned by Reba's decision.

"What's that supposed to mean, Brock?" Barbara Jean says, feeling betrayed.

"Reba can't marry Jack!" Brock continues.  

"And why not, Brock!" Barbara angrily tells him, as they get into a heated confrontation.

Brock and Barbara Jean continue their spat right there in the restaurant as Reba and Jack leave the two fighting and head for Reba's home.  She can't believe the nerve Brock had telling her she couldn't marry Jack after the way he betrayed her with Barbara Jean and got her pregnant and marrying her.

Now that she has finally found happiness after all these years, he has the gall to say that.  But Reba didn't let Brock's harsh words get to her when they arrived home to share a romantic night with Jack.  But their plans were ruined when they walked in on an upset Kyra who had let herself in after coming back home.

"Kyra, what are you doing here?" Reba says, shocked to see her daughter home.

"I left Kevin!" Kyra announced to Reba.

"Kyra dear, what happened?"

"I caught Kevin cheating with a co-worker."

"What?  I'm so sorry, Kyra." hugging her daughter, but they were interrupted by Kyra's 3-year-old son, Damen, who had just discovered Gramma home.

"Gramma!" Damen said, running into Reba's arms.

"Why, hello, Damen!" Reba says, smothering him with kisses.  "I'm so glad to see you."

Kyra felt bad when she spied the diamond ring on her mother's third left finger, "Oh mom, I'm so sorry to have ruined your evening."

"What do you mean, Kyra?"

"You and Jack obviously had plans tonight."

"Oh, it's nothing, dear." Reba said, trying to hide her news over Kyra's troubles.

"C'mon, mom!  I see the engagement ring." Kyra adds.  "I know you didn't expect to find me here."

"Well, Kyra, you're always welcome home.  Jack and I can always celebrate later, right Jack."

"That's right, Kyra." Jack agrees.  "This is your home too."

"Thanks you two for understanding." Kyra welcomes their supportiveness.  "It's late and I'm bushed.  I think I will take Damen and put him to bed and let you two have some peace."

"See you two in the morning, Kyra."  Reba tells her.  "Get a good night's sleep.  Things will look up in the morning."

As Jack and Reba watch Kyra take her son upstairs to bed, Jack kisses her.  "Have I told you lately how much I love you?"

"Yes, but you can always tell me over and over." Reba kisses him back.

Reba:  15 Years LaterWhere stories live. Discover now