Chapter 13: I'm a Survivor

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Reba has ended her engagement to Jack Morgan after some soul-searching. About to meet her fifth grandchild, by her youngest son, Jake, and his girlfriend, Mischa, Reba embarks on a new adventure when she starts her own business. But a new acquaintance (Pierce Brosnan as Julian McIves, her new partner in a new business catches her off guard. Is love in the cards for Reba?

On with the story......

Reba woke up for the first time happy. She had realized that she was happy being single. When her therapist suggested she was still in love with the father of her three children, it made Reba take a long hard look at where her life was.

While she deeply loved Dr. Jack Morgan, the man she was going to marry a week ago, she realized that she was happier as a single independent woman. And although it hurt to cut ties from him, Reba knew in her heart that it was for the best.

Reba got up and made a pot of coffee as her four grandchildren and Brock's son, Henry, with Barbra Jean, sat down to the table for breakfast.

Van and Cheyenne were on a much-needed second honeymoon after the wedding shenanigans and took off for Paris for a week.

Kyra spent the weekend with Kevin in Lake Tahoe when Kevin announced that he wanted to make their marriage work.

So Reba agreed to watch her four grandchildren—and Henry, as Brock and Barbra Jean took off for Rome, Italy.

But Reba got the surprise of her life when Jake and Mischa showed up unannounced to present their newborn son, Jacob Brock Hart, Jr.

"Jake? Mischa?" Reba exclaimed happily when she greeted her son, his girlfriend, and their son at her front door.

"Mom!" Jake said as he hugged his mother.

"Jake, I'm so glad you're here!" Reba cried tears of joy.

"Looks like you have a houseful?!"

"A house-full of love!" Reba said joyfully.

Reba relished getting to know the newest member of the Hart family—Jacob "Little Jake" Brock Hart, Jr. He looked just like Jake, and eve had his smile.

When Jake got a moment as Mischa went upstairs to feed Little Jake, Jake had a heart-to-heart with Reba.

"So, mom, I heard you decided not to marry Jack?" Jake asked concerned.

"Jake, I'm fine. Really." Reba told her son. "I am working on a new business venture."

"Really! That's awesome, mom!" Jake said happily. "What is it?"

"It's a real estate venture with a businessman I met in real estate class."


"Yeah, we reconnected last week when he asked me to coffee. And we discussed a new real estate business after I told him how the last one flopped."

Kyra, Cheyenne and Brock called to wish Jake and Mischa congratulations when Reba called them about Jake's surprise visit.

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