Chapter 12

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Jack found Reba at the spot where Reba wanted to talk to him, but decided she couldn't at that moment because of the news of Jake and his girlfriend's impending birth of their child.

But now, Reba had to tell Jack what she came to realize.

"Jack, I've thought things over and..." Reba started to say but Jack cut her off.

"Reba, are you ending this engagement?"

"I can't marry you."

"Why? I thought we were happy?!"

"I just can't." Reba cried before running off.

Reba wanted to be alone, so she went to the only place where she could. But instead, she found Brock there.

"Reba?" Brock said when she showed up.

"Brock? I didn't know you were going to be here?"

"I'm sorry, but I came here to our spot."

"Yeah. Funny how we both came here at the same time?"

"The birth of our fifth grandchild got me to thinking..."

"Yeah, me too."

"Reba, I lov....." Brock began, but Reba cut him off.

"Brock, I'll always love you because of our children and our grandchildren, but I can never go back."

"Oh, I wasn't going to ask for your hand again." Brock confessed. "I know I deeply hurt you when I slept with Barbra Jean."

"Well, it took me a long time to get to where I am now." Reba said. "But I'm a survivor. I knew eventually I would persevere."

"And you did." Brock laughed.

"I told Jack I wasn't going to marry him."


"I just can't be in a marriage now. I'm not ready for a commitment."

"After 15 years?"

"Well, I'm better as a single person." Reba said.

"Yeah. That you are." Brock agreed.

"Hey! We can celebrate the birth of our fifth grandchild—and our others as well." Reba suggested.

"Yeah. We can. We sure can!"

Brock and Reba headed back to the farm to celebrate the life they built as co-parents with other partners.

"By the way, you never mentioned what Jake and Mischa named their son?" Brock asked.

"He never said." Reba replied.

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