Chapter 3

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The next morning, Kyra came down stairs with Damen to find that her father was asleep on the couch.

"Damen, go give grampa a kiss." Kyra said to her son.

Damen did exactly that as Brock awoke shocked but glad to see his daughter.

"Kyra, what are doing home?" he said, giving her a hug.

"I came home after I caught Kevin having an affair with a co-worker." Kyra announced to her father.

"I'm sorry, darling." wanting to kick some sense into his son-in-law, but feeling like a hypocrite if he did so.

A knock on Reba's door caught Kyra off-guard as she went to answer it.

"Kevin?!" Kyra asked, bitterly.  "What are you doing here?"

"Daddy, you came!" Damen yelled, running into his arms.

"Damen, did you call your father?" Kyra asked him.

"Yes, mommy!" Damen weeped.

"Kyra, we need to talk." Kevin pleaded with her.

"I have nothing to say to you." Kyra told him matter-of-factly.

"Ah, Kyra darling, I think you should hear your husband out." Brock told his daughter.

"Daddy, who's side are you on?"

"I'm on the side of working things out if it's possible."

"Well, it's not possible." Kyra said.  "I'm sure you know from experience, daddy."

"Kyra, please, just listen to your husband before you make any snap judgments." Brock pleaded with his daughter.

"Please, Kyra?" Kevin asked, winking at Brock, thanking him.

Just then, Reba came down stairs when she heard voices in the living room.

"What's going on here?" 

"Sorry, mother, Kevin arrived and wanted to talk, but I tried to tell him to go away, but daddy said that I should at least talk to him."

"Really, Brock!" Reba asked, incredulously.  "Why should Kyra talk with her husband after learning he cheated on her?"

"I just think Kyra should talk with Kevin before making any rash decisions." Brock said.

"Brock, Kevin cheated on our daughter!  Why should she forgive him?"

"I'm not saying she should.  She should examine her options first."

"Gee, thanks, everyone for making up my mind." Kyra said, hotly.  "C'mon, Damen!  Mommy and I are leaving!"

"But mommy!" Damen cried.

"See what you have done to her!" Reba said, chastising Brock and Kevin.

As Kyra got into the car and started driving, she wondered if maybe she should talk with Kevin.  How much she loved him.  And Damen adored his father.  

Backing up into Reba's driveway, Kyra turned off the car and walked back into the house.

"Okay, Kevin, you win! Kyra said.  "Where do you want to go for a talk?"

Kevin thank his wife as he tried to give her a kiss.

"I agreed to a talk, Kevin, not a kiss."

Brock smiled as Reba looked at her ex-husband incredulously, as Kevin and Kyra went to Starbucks for a talk.

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