Chapter 2

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Reba woke up the next morning in Jack's arms to the sound of someone pounding on her front door.  She tried to ignore it and go back to sleep snuggled next to Jack, but the pounding at the front door wouldn't stop.

Finally, Reba wriggled out of Jack's embrace to answer the front door.  She was shocked to find Brock standing on her front door with his clothes in his arms.

"Reba!" Brock pleaded.  "Barbara Jean threw me out and I have no where to go!"

"Well, you can't stay here!" Reba said, surprised.

"Please, Reba?" 

"No, Brock!" Reba said, firmly.  "My fiance wouldn't approve!"

Reba was about to close the door in Brock's face when Jack came down the stairs wondering where Reba was.

"Reba, where did you go?" 

"I heard pounding at the front door and came down to see who it was." Reba explained.  "Imagined my surprise when it turned out to be my ex-husband?"

"Brock's here?" Jack said, turning to come face to face with Brock.

"Hello, Jack!" Brock said.

"What do you want, Brock?"

"Will you reason with your fiancee, Jack?" Brock asked.  "Barbara Jean threw me out and I need a place to go."

"You want to stay here?" Jack asked, confused.

"I've been trying to throw him out, but he won't budge!" Reba said, irritated.

"Why would you do that?" Jack asked.  "Why don't we let him stay here?"

"What are you talking about?" 

"Just until he can find a more suitable arrangement or Brock gets back with Barbara Jean."

"Jack, you don't know what you are saying?" 

"C'mon, Reba, how long can it be?  A few days, tops."

"Fine, Brock, you can stay until you find a suitable arrangement." Reba agreed.  "You better find something quick. . .or make up with Barbara Jean."

"I'll find something." Brock assured her.  "Barbara Jean and I are over,however."

"What do you mean you and Barbara Jean are over?"

"She thinks I'm still love with you."

"Boy, is she off her rocker."

"Yeah, I know." Brock agreed, secretly knowing that Barbara Jean was right.

"Well, Brock, you can sleep here on the sofa until you find a place of your own." Reba said, pointing to the sofa.

Then she went into the kitchen to make breakfast for Jack as Brock tempted with idea of how to tell Reba about his true feelings for her now that she was engaged to Jack.

Reba:  15 Years LaterWhere stories live. Discover now