Chapter 4

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"Kyra, you need to know the truth." Kevin began. 

"I know the truth." Kyra said, hurtfully.

"I didn't cheat on you." Kevin confessed.

"Yeah, sure." Kyra said, disbelievingly.

"Honest, Kyra." Kevin said.  "I admit I was tempted.  But I thought of you and all I would lose and I stopped it."

"But what about the note I got from your assistant?" Kyra asked confused.

"She was texting me about a surprise for you and accidentally sent it you by mistake." 

"You had a surprise for me?" Kyra asked, confused.

"I was planning a surprise party for your birthday, and my assistant was doing all the preparations for it." Kevin explained.  "Imagine my surprise when you never showed?"

"Oh, Kevin.  I'm so sorry." Kyra said, hugging him.

Kevin escorted Kyra out to their car and they drove back to Reba's to inform everyone that all was fine.  But when they got back, they saw emergency vehicles out in front of Reba's house.

"What's going on?" Kyra asked concerned.

"Daddy just had a heart attack." Cheyenne informed Kyra and Kevin.

"Oh, no!" Kyra said, worriedly, as Kevin just held her tight in his arms.

The paramedics were putting an unconscious Brock into the ambulance as everyone piled in their cars to follow Brock to the hospital.

"Oh, when are we going to hear anything about Brock?" Barbra Jean complained.

"Barbra Jean, please!  Will you stop pacing the floor and sit down!" Reba said.

"I just can't!" Barbra Jean complained more.  "Oh, what's taking so long?"

After waiting several hours and listening to Barbra Jean complain, the doctor finally comes out to report on Brock's condition.

"Well, doctor?" Barbra Jean asks.  

"Brock is doing okay." the doctor explains.  "He's stable, but. . ."

"But what, doctor?" Barbra Jean asks, with everyone listening.

"I'm afraid Brock's slipped into a coma." the doctor sadly announces.

"A coma?" Reba says, disbelievingly.  "Will he pull out of it?"

"Yes, doctor, Brock will be okay?" Barbra Jean asks, worriedly.

"Only time will tell." the doctor says.  "But with such a great family for support, I don't see why Brock won't make a full recovery."

"Can I go see him, doctor?" Barbra Jean asks.

"You can all go see him . . . but one at a time." the doctor informs them.  

Barbra Jean heads into Brock's room while everyone sits vigil worried about Brock.

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