Chapter 14

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Reba woke the next morning to get ready to meet her new business partner after he called for a meeting at the local Starbucks.

But Reba didn't know it was "bring your kids along" when she saw Julian McIver sitting at a table with his two children.

"Oh, I didn't know it was 'bring your kids to work' day?" Reba remarked as she greeted Julian.

"Oh, I didn't know it was 'bring your kids to work' day?" Reba remarked as she greeted Julian

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"Sorry. It couldn't be helped." Julian apologized. "It was a no-school day and their mother just dropped them off without any notice."

"That's okay. I was only joking." Reba told him. "I love kids. I have three of my own as well as four grandchildren."

While Julian got Tyler and Taylor settled with their studies and their juice and cookies, he and Reba got some time to discuss their business venture.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29 ⏰

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