Chapter 9

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Reba thought she would be alone when she wandered to the pond where she found three of her four children—Elizabeth, Tyler, Taylor and Henry (Brock's son with Barbra Jean) all swimming at the pond.

"Gramma!" Elizabeth yelled when she noticed Reba coming to the pond.

"Elizabeth, how did you and the other kids get out here?" Reba asked her oldest grandchild.

"We walked out here." Elizabeth told her innocently. "Daddy said it was okay."

"Yeah, Mrs. Hart." Henry defended his cousin.

"Okay. Let's just enjoy ourselves." Reba told them.

Reba sat back on the blanket the children brought out and laid on the ground as she watched her grandchildren enjoying themselves in the water. She couldn't believe that Elizabeth as 13 years old. And Henry, despite being Barbra Jean's son, was growing into quite a young man, at 13 years too. Even Taylor and Tyler, Kyra's 9-year-old twins, were growing up way too fast.

Reba fished out her cell that was in her bag when she heard it ring and noticed it was her youngest son, Jake, who surprisingly, was not there, "Jake, how are you?"

"Mom, I'm sorry, I can't get there." Jake apologized.

"Jake, what's wrong?" Reba asked concerned.

"Nothing serious, Mom." Jake explained. "It's my girlfriend, Mischa. She's gone into labor."

"Jake, I'm so happy for you and Mischa." Reba said. "I can't wait to see my fifth grandchild."

"Well, Mischa and I will be out next month with the new baby." Jake said. "Mom, I gotta go. The nurse is waving at me telling me it's time."

"Ok, Jake. Good bye for now." Reba said as the line went dead. She couldn't believe that her fifth grandchild was about to enter the world—Jake's first child.

After about a half-hour at the pond, Reba announced to the children it was time to head back. She couldn't wait to inform everyone that Jake's first child was about to be born.

Reba:  15 Years LaterWhere stories live. Discover now