So, there's really no rhyme or reason to starting off a story. My mind is "complex". I'm a teenager. I turned 13 last September on the 11th. I know, I know, 9/11. Don't mention it. If there's one thing I hate, it's the whole oh my gosh, that's terrible speech. Nobody tells me happy birthday on my birthday except my parents. Maybe Kat if I'm lucky. Everyone else is to busy mourning deaths.
Does it make me a bad person, if I don't care? Why should we spend a whole day talking about people who lost their lives? Talking about it isn't going to bring them back. People always view it in a weird sense. Like if we don't dedicate a whole day to this time when people died, then it's bound to re happen. Here's the catch. People die everyday. Why don't we have a day dedicated to them?
I like to believe that Patriots Day, more commonly known as 9/11, is to celebrate what happened because of the lives lost. We celebrate how the country came together on that day. We celebrate the miracles that where born on that day that don't feel burdens. We celebrate Osama bin Laden's death. Even though we replaced him with Joe Biden. Name coincidence or what? We celebrate knowing that we helped take away some of the evil in our world, for hopes that future generations will see an end to it.
So yes. I really hate when my birthday becomes funeral 101 across America. Especially those sad videos they make you watch. Who came up with that? Whoever did, is an idiot. He should know that I hate him.
So that's just one piece of information about me. I have dark brown hair, pale skin, and light brown eyes. My personality, however, is not as boring. Depending on who you ask, you can find different perspectives of me. For example, if you were to ask Delilah Wayver she would say I'm "obsessed with my boobs and start to much drama. Plus I'm a bad friend." If you were to ask Kat. Well she probably say I'm " weird. In a good way. I'm completely boy obsessed, and I can make even super serious situations funny."
Your probably wondering how I know they would say this, right? Well, I guess I'll tell you. I know Kat said this, because she gave me a card on my birthday that said so. You don't forget Kat's cards. She gives the best cards, and usually I look forward to them than the gift! I know Delilah thinks this way, because her best friend, Olivia Feldman, told me.
Olivia and I used to be super close. So obviously there's a connection that will last there even if we aren't as close. I can always count on her to " tell it how it is". She doesn't disappoint on that! No matter how mean it sounds. Never mind the fact that she totally ditched me when she offered the chance to be popular, but I wouldn't expect anything else. I would have done the same, probably. Which brings me back to the fact, that in 7th, everybody leaves. You can't expect people to stay around for longer than two years. It's not wise to make deep connections, because at the end of the year, their gone. It doesn't matter how close y'all were. It's even worse with guys. I mean come on! I have yet to meet a guy in 7th who isn't thinking about sex, boobs, or debating which girl is the hottest, or discovering new ways to break our hearts. Yes, I'm talking about you Alex Fuentes. He may be cute, but he sure does know how to give a good heart pounding. Been there, done that. Almost every guy is like that, too. Except for Lucas Knox. He's the sweetest guy ever, and I'll explain my relationship with him later. Until then, adios! And no I'm not Hispanic, but I'm a part of the biggest Latino group in 7th. I'm there wedda. There is only one wedda. There can only be one. That shit is serious.

7th. Unfortunately.
Non-FictionMy names Delia. I know not really the right way to start off a story, but I believe my story revolves a lot around it. You see so much has happened since I entered sixth grade, that I couldn't let it go undocumented. So this is my story along with m...